My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

My dog is almost 2 years old and he is still eating his poop. I tried the packets from the vet, but they did not work. One vet told me he may never stop. Any advice. Will this cause him to have parasites?

    My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

    My dog is almost 2 years old and he is still eating his poop. I tried the packets from the vet, but they did not work. One vet told me he may never stop. Any advice. Will this cause him to have parasites?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?...

    • My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

      My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is almost 2 years old and he is still eating his poop. I tried the packets from the vet, but they did not work. One vet told me he may never stop. Any advice. Will this cause him to have parasites?

      My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

      My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop? General Dog Discussions
    • negative reinforcement. put something in his food that he wouldnt like. this you have to find out yourself. probably some kind of drug that makes him vomit or something less messy. do that enough times he'll relate the poop to that thing he doesnt like and as an animal he will automatically condition himself to not eat it. i dont know about parasites

    • After he poops give him a biscuit to reward him for pooping, then shovel the poop into the garbage can or in an area where he can not access it. After about 1 week, wait a couple minutes after he poops to give him is treat. After a while, he will associate pooping with getting the treat instead of with eating his poop. If he eats the poop, DO NOT GIVE HIM THE TREAT and do not give him any attention, or else you are rewarding him for eating it.If there are parasites on the ground where he pooped or in the poop that he is eating, he can get them. Also here are some good reads:

    • sprinkle it with pepper, or better yet, pick it up as soon as he's done so he hasnt got a chance to eat it. He can only catch parasites from poo if he already has parasites, if you know what I mean.

    • website has some great information... there are a variety of things you can feed your dog that will amke his poop taste bad. they also suggest treating the poop directly with something called " bitter apple". The best solution though is picking up your dog's waste. If the temptation is gone he can't eat it! Hope this helps. If he is eating his own poop chance of him getting a parasite is low... never let him get near other dog's poop, that is when it gets dangerous.

    • Try feeding him regulerly, obviously he is hungry......Seriously, the dog food you are feeding him is not satisfing him, switch to a moist meety dog food and give him all he can eat the first time so you will know how much he requires......Oh yea, change vets................Nuf Said

    • my dog eats everything but he never ate his own poop. mabye you should hire a trainer or enroll the dog in a class to break the habit. Also clean up as much as you can.

    • Think of all the money you'll save on dogfood! Lol um... you should take him to the vet and tell him that their packets don't work. Or try picking up the dog's poop right after he does it before he has time to eat it. Also are you feeding him enough? Maybe he is hungry and forced to eat his own poo. Gross. Make sure your dog knows that actual food is available. Put it right infront of his face. Give him treats too after he poops and doesn't eat it.Also, places like Petsmart and Petco sell doggie diapers. Really. If you cant always be there to pick up the dog poo before he has time to eat it, the diaper will catch it and he'll have a hard time chewing his poo out from that.Good luck!

    • Hmmm.... This ones a toughy, for me I wouldn't hit him, I would just shout "NO!" He'll get used to it, and let him know when he's doin something wrong! ( Whoa , that's the strangest thing I've ever heard, a dog that eats his own poop...strange)