My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

My dog is almost 2 years old and he is still eating his poop. I tried the packets from the vet, but they did not work. One vet told me he may never stop. Any advice. Will this cause him to have parasites?

    My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?

    My dog is almost 2 years old and he is still eating his poop. I tried the packets from the vet, but they did not work. One vet told me he may never stop. Any advice. Will this cause him to have parasites?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is still eating his poop. How can I get him to stop?...

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    • You should spray the surface of where he usually poops with vinigar. dogs do not like the smell of that and back away. You should also have some tasty treats for him and when he poops let him smell it and tug on the leash then give him the treat and play for a couple of minutes with him. My dog had the same problem as a puppy and the habit stopped after I asked my vet. It depends on what your dog eats, if he eats healthy he will NOT have parasites but still take him in for shots.

    • My dog used to do this. Actually, I had two dogs that used to fight over their poop. It grossed me out very much and I asked the Vet. He said it was normal for some dogs (as long as it was their poop they were eating not other dogs) and suggested that I put a little brewer's yeast on their food prior to serving it. He also suggested Lowry's Seasoning Salt on their food. I tried both and it worked. Now I alternate it ~ he thinks he's getting a treat. His coat is shiny, his breath is much nicer and we don't have flea problems either.The vet also said it could have to do with a vitamin/nutrition deficiency. It is somewhat like a cow chewing their cud. Not all breeds do it.Good luck.

    • Hi man I'm not shore but a friend of Mine's dog was doing that once and he told be that meens its got Worms and it dose that to kill the Worms in it but I'm not shore if it is right maybe you could check out ..thank and good luck????

    • This is very normal for dogs. In the wild they would eat their waste to cover their tracks. They will eat poop when there is protein still in it (if they haven't completely digested the first time around). Consider switching dog foods to a high quality food. Bring a fecal sample to your vet and they will test for parasites. If your dog doesn't have parasites, then poop-eating isn't very harmful. Even though it is gross to us, they don't see anything wrong with it. To get your dog to stop, take him out on leash and praise him for going, then bring him away from it so that he is not so interested in it.Good luck!

    • as other have said he may be hungryand may have wormsdid vet check his stool ??i raised dogs 4 yearsand they do get wormsworm him he need that done either way------------------------------------------ I want to help people and i ask questions to.This is a good way to help both of us.If my answers work for you please vote me best answer.I took the time to answer,please take the time to vote for who had the best answer,who ever that may be This the only way i know i helped you. Have a good day DAN H

    • I recommend picking up after him every time right after he poops. Eating his poop will not cause him to get worms or parasites, but if he has them already he will be constantly reinfesting himself. This is a difficult problem, but you aren't alone. Many people have dogs that do this. Sorry many people gave you mean answers. Good luck.