What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do?

Well, I have a guinea pig. I like him a lot and I want it to be able to have some fun and exercise. I know that they cant go in those exercise balls, because of their spine. But im saying activities. Like this, I heard that they like to sun tan in the…

    What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do?

    Well, I have a guinea pig. I like him a lot and I want it to be able to have some fun and exercise. I know that they cant go in those exercise balls, because of their spine. But im saying activities. Like this, I heard that they like to sun tan in the…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do?...

    • What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do?

      What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do? Dogs Training Discussions
      Well, I have a guinea pig. I like him a lot and I want it to be able to have some fun and exercise. I know that they cant go in those exercise balls, because of their spine. But im saying activities. Like this, I heard that they like to sun tan in the summer. Do you know anything kind of fun stuff like that he can do with me? Please help me, he always seems like he is so bored!!!!!!!!

      What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do?

      What are fun activities guinea pigs like to do? Dogs Training Discussions
    • You can take him out on the grass (preferably in a pen so he doesn't run away) so he can munch on some grass. Just make sure you keep an eye on him and provide him with some shelter and water. That way, he can run around on and munch on grass and you can sun tan. Keeping them in the sun for too long in summer can cause heatstroke = not good!! They also like when you switch up their cage with new toys and hideys etc. My pigs spend ages exploring their new pen when I clean it out and change it around.You can also guinea pig proof a room (remove or hide cords and other things you don't want him to get into) and let him run around in there for a while. Probably best to be on a wooden or tiled floor - easier to clean.

    • My girls LOVE toilet paper/paper towel tubes. My oldest female, as much as she "grumbled" about it loved to have her backend tickled. Guineas are not as "playable" as what a dog or a cat is, but if you get them things they like to play with and socialize with them, they do get great enjoyment. If you are worried about him being bored, you could always get him a playmate. Then they have fun together and you can crack up at their antics. When I provide treats, I hand feed their treats to them, before I put the rest in their bowl. I make each one take a piece of their treat from me. I don't let them jerk it out of my hand so I hold on tight until they are "sweeter" about it then I let them have it. Newspaper makes a great little tent for them to run in and out of, and if they have a favorite toy, you can always put their toy or treat inside it for them to find. Its different playing with a guinea pig, compared to playing with a dog or cat, but they are as much fun to watch!!