What fun things are you doing with your dogs?

So Spring is here. The weather is nice in most parts of the US. It's the weekend....What fun things are you doing with your dogs today? Anyone doing something interesting?My dad came over a little while ago and brought his 2 labs. It was like a dog…

    What fun things are you doing with your dogs?

    So Spring is here. The weather is nice in most parts of the US. It's the weekend....What fun things are you doing with your dogs today? Anyone doing something interesting?My dad came over a little while ago and brought his 2 labs. It was like a dog…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What fun things are you doing with your dogs?...

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    • What fun things are you doing with your dogs?

      What fun things are you doing with your dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      So Spring is here. The weather is nice in most parts of the US. It's the weekend....What fun things are you doing with your dogs today? Anyone doing something interesting?My dad came over a little while ago and brought his 2 labs. It was like a dog park here at my house. My 4 labs and his 2. The neighbors were staring at us! My dogs love seeing their doggie cousins!

      What fun things are you doing with your dogs?

      What fun things are you doing with your dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I am taking my dog down the road to where this lake is for a nice long walk.We live in the country, so she doesnt really get out much (out of our yard/pasture anyway). She will love it.

    • We went for a nice short hike this afternoon in the Niagara escarpment.... beautiful! Its actually pretty warm here for Spring, and really sunny so the tree cover kept us nice and cool :DOn our way back we stopped to see our friends at the local pet supply store and got a new bully stick.Now the pooch is taking yet another nap, on my feet!On Friday we went to my friend's farm for a visit, he loves it there because they've got several acres, and a great old dog that keeps my pup "in check". We took a nice long walk through the field and out to the barn, the pup got to dig his little heart out in a massive pile of hay, it was a great time!

    • I normally take my dog to agility classes on a sunday morning! Great fun for me & her, great way to meet other people with dogs too......My dog loves it..... she gets soooo excited when she sees where we're going!!

    • I have a little papillion, we belong to the Calgary Super Dogs.We do agility, games.We also play hide and seek, and she rides in a little doggie carrier in front of me when I ride my horse..it is so funny, but lots of fun.I also belong to Pals, we visit a seniors home and put on a little show for them, and then they hug and pet her.

    • yesterday, I got to run 3 of our standard poodles in agility- we were doing ASCA- so I had 15 runs! (I was a wee bit tired!)- today, my husband is running them! There is no better weekend than an agility weekend!

    • Well, its raining right now, but yesterday was very nice.I took all five of my dogs out to the nature trail (a fifteen mile trail) and walked it with them, let them swim in the lake for an hour or so, then we walked back to the beginning, dried everyone off, then went to petsmart to get the weekly grooming treatment, bought everyone some breath treats, and went home and slept!:)

    • its 9pm here, and the weather was crap!But i took my GSD for a long walk over the public footpaths, played with her, and much to her dismay groomed her, and gave her, her regually health check! =D

    • The other day, my husband, Louie(Papillon) and I went hiking at the game refuge where my husband and I got engaged (pictures in profile). That experience was just too perfect for words. It's not an off leash area, but I confess that we allow Louie to walk free. The paths are wide, it's not busy and he stays literally one step behind us, directly between us. It's a very therapeutic activity we like to take part in at least once every season.Today there is a Cherry Blossom festival in the park down the street that Louie and I visited and it was very pleasant. I live in the city but the Cherry Blossoms are just so beautiful that they make you forget you're surrounded by cement.Add:My family owns a cottage on the beach and we frequent it quite often during the spring, with Louie. From April-May, there is literally no one there because most of the people with cottages there are from out of state and they come for the summer. We like to go there with Louie and let him run and play on the beach.On Thursday we'll be taking him to Florida with us and I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun there. We're hoping he gets to chase some lizards as they're abundant at my dad's house.

    • I'm doing some water work with my Newf, well, letting him swim, anyways. He gets to jump in the pool and get the water toys we throw in. It's his favorite thing to do, especially in this heat!

    • At the moment it's 9.15pm here in the UK, my chocolate Lab is laid at my feet napping and my yellow one has gone upstairs to bed. The weather wasn't too bad today so they were both out in the field playing with their ball and their friends, Bruno a boxer and Daisy a jack russell cross, so they are a little tired. Might take them to Scarborough next weekend they love the sea.

    • Nice evening walks , going down to the beach , in another 6-7 months starting conformation. so getting him ready for that.I am also starting NVBK soon (Belgian ringsport).We also enjoy watching Britains got talent together.

    • Well, it's raining today, with a smattering of snow last night. I was planning on a huge grooming session today, but will have to minimize it, as it isn't nice outside, where I groom the big boys. (the one in the avatar and his brother)Hopefully, they will get theirs tomorrow. My dogs LOVE to run on the beach! That was a big reason I rented here..but, they have SO much hair that has to be rinsed and dried after the salt water, that they don't get many beach runs...sigh.. Now, if I could just hire a daily groomer!(Yeah, this breed isn't a good fit for many people)..