How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker?

He has a splayed leg and when he wants to walk he sort of jumps around. He can sit on a pech if he uses one leg to hold the cage bars. And he can climb the cage perfectly. I just wana know how to make his life just like any normal parrot. How should I…

    How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker?

    He has a splayed leg and when he wants to walk he sort of jumps around. He can sit on a pech if he uses one leg to hold the cage bars. And he can climb the cage perfectly. I just wana know how to make his life just like any normal parrot. How should I…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker?...

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    • How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker?

      How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker? Dogs Training Discussions
      He has a splayed leg and when he wants to walk he sort of jumps around. He can sit on a pech if he uses one leg to hold the cage bars. And he can climb the cage perfectly. I just wana know how to make his life just like any normal parrot. How should I assemble his cage into being fun, should I add many toys, ladders, what ever you think may help him please tell me. Even better if you have experience with a quaker parrot with a splayed leg. Answers would be hugely appreciated and my hand-cap (but still loved beyond limit) parrot will thank you for it.

      How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker?

      How Can I care for my bird who has a splayed leg, how can I make his cage fun even if hes not the best walker? Dogs Training Discussions
    • use ladders as perches . make it a stair up to the ladder perch toys should be close to the ladder perch , . we have 5 sprayled legs birds . so that is what we did i used ladders and made them into perches , get sun perches from dr fostersmith , i use vet wrap to make it easier , stair step other laddders so they can climb hung toys so he can sit on the ladder perches and well just love him they are specail

    • Make sure the cage isn't to high. If he falls he won't have far to go. Some people put a towel on the bottom of the cage or something like white pine shavings and a towel or paper towels over that. Rope perches may help as they are easy to grab. Or sisal perches. It is nice that you are willing to do this for him. I would too!