How can I get my cat to like my dog?

yes its the other way around. My dog is 6 years old and only a daschsund. my cat, whom we just got yesterday cant stand him. When they meet, the dog doesnt so anything. not a growl. but the cat arches her back and hisses and does a little scream. how…

    How can I get my cat to like my dog?

    yes its the other way around. My dog is 6 years old and only a daschsund. my cat, whom we just got yesterday cant stand him. When they meet, the dog doesnt so anything. not a growl. but the cat arches her back and hisses and does a little scream. how…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my cat to like my dog?...

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    • How can I get my cat to like my dog?

      How can I get my cat to like my dog? General Dog Discussions
      yes its the other way around. My dog is 6 years old and only a daschsund. my cat, whom we just got yesterday cant stand him. When they meet, the dog doesnt so anything. not a growl. but the cat arches her back and hisses and does a little scream. how can i make them survive together? my dog is used to a cat since we had had one before.

      How can I get my cat to like my dog?

      How can I get my cat to like my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I have two cats and a dog (daschund and german shepherd mix....funny, I know). One cats gets along with my dog and the other one doesn't. It's really hard to say they will get along. The cat may just be scared and get used to your dog but if your cat is like one of mine...she still swats at the dog if he comes to close for her comfort. Most learn to live with each other. My vet also told me they'd work it out.Hope that helps a bit.

    • This is one of those instances where time and patience will pay off. However, you can't force a cat to do anything, much less like a dog. But here's a tip: once the cat is used to the idea of a dog being around (about 2 weeks), take the dog and put him on one side of you while you're sitting on the couch. Then have someone bring in the cat to sit on your other side. When the dog gets excited and wants to smell/play/lick the cat, tell him no firmly. Essentially this is sending the message to dog that he needs to chill out around the cat. Then maybe cat will be more open to the dog being around. Good luck.

    • Lock them in a small room overnight, and maybe some of the day if it is needed, and they will soon be able to get along. Keep them in the same room on the night only, not during the day until it works. Doing this leaves them time to get to know eachother.