What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment?

What is reasonable temperature to have a two year Cane Corso outside? Dog is house trained, but likes to be outside. Have dog house and large yard. Also, I like the breed Cane Corso. If you own one, feel free to tell me about unique things about…

    What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment?

    What is reasonable temperature to have a two year Cane Corso outside? Dog is house trained, but likes to be outside. Have dog house and large yard. Also, I like the breed Cane Corso. If you own one, feel free to tell me about unique things about…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment?...

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    • What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment?

      What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment? Dogs Training Discussions
      What is reasonable temperature to have a two year Cane Corso outside? Dog is house trained, but likes to be outside. Have dog house and large yard. Also, I like the breed Cane Corso. If you own one, feel free to tell me about unique things about your dog. Training etc...

      What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment?

      What is a reasonable a temperature for a dog to have be indoors in a harsh weather environment? Dogs Training Discussions
    • If you can have a dog door installed it won't matter the temperature as the dog can come in and out as it pleases. Otherwise, anything below 50 degrees wind chill and you should consider bringing him in. His coat is not made for harsh winters.

    • It isn't the actual temp that matters, it is the temp that the dog is acclimated to that matters.If you keep the dog in an 80 degree house 24/7 there is no way that the dog would be able to handle the cold like even a littermate that lived in a 40 degree yard 24/7.I work my dogs in sub zero temps all the time, that's when snowshoe hunting is at it's best.