Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis?

My dog, hes 9 years old, he has really bad arthritis. He's been doing good but lately his back right paw is so bad he can't even walk. I don't want to resort to getting him put down just yet because he's gotten better before but it hasn't really been…

    Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis?

    My dog, hes 9 years old, he has really bad arthritis. He's been doing good but lately his back right paw is so bad he can't even walk. I don't want to resort to getting him put down just yet because he's gotten better before but it hasn't really been…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis?...

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    • Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis?

      Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis? General Dog Discussions
      My dog, hes 9 years old, he has really bad arthritis. He's been doing good but lately his back right paw is so bad he can't even walk. I don't want to resort to getting him put down just yet because he's gotten better before but it hasn't really been this bad. Does anyone know if it's safe to use Bengay on his leg? I would definitely sit with him and make sure he doesn't lick it...but is it safe?

      Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis?

      Is Bengay pain relieving cream safe to use on dogs with arthritis? General Dog Discussions
    • Please don't. Whether he licks it or not, it will absorb through his skin. There are lots of wonderful medications made especially for dogs with this problem. They are not costly. At 9, your dog still has some good years left. Take him to the vet and get him some meds!

    • He could probably tolerate an ibuprofen (Advil) if he is big or maybe half of one if he is smaller, or child's dose if small. I would thing the Ben Gay would be too strong smelling and also he would prob lick it and it would burn his tongue and burn his eyes. Ibuprofen would help the inflammation. It would not hurt him unless, he is allergic to it which is rare.

    • Take your dog to the vets and have it examined. There are medications available to treat arthritis and do wonders in relieving the symptoms. I can't believe some of the horrible advice given. NEVER give your dog ibuprofen or tylenol. Only baby aspirin at 1/2 tablet for ever 10 to 20 pounds of weight.

    • be careful! products like bengay can cause something called rhabdo myolisis and acute tubular necrosis...meaning it can cause the muscles to break down and the animal or person can go into kidney failure! talk to your vet!!

    • depending on the size of the dog, try a 1/2 of a tylenol inside a morsel of people food, to a whole one. No more than 2x daily! But dog's skin is more sensitive than ours, so I would not recommend Ben-Gay. Something to help ease the condition over the long haul, like a glucosamine-chondroitin supplement from a nutrition store, heck, even Wal-Mart has them, and they won't hurt your pet. It'll give his body some building blocks to repair the worn tissues. Failing that, a vet can give you anti-inflammatory meds that are dog safe for when he's having a bad spell. Good luck with your boy. Hope he gets better.

    • You should avoid BenGay at all costs, it is not an option as it will cause more harm than good. You and your dog would be better served checking with your vet. There are all kinds arthritis medications for dogs now and I don't think they're that expensive. There are many ways to ease his pain. Do a search on the Internet and it will give you many more options that are all better than BenGay.

    • DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT give your dog ibuprofen or tylenol. They will give him renal (kidney) failure. Go to your vet and get Rimadyl for your dog. There is even doggie aspirin at the pet store. Give him a glucosamine/chondrotin supplement every day. My dog got hip arthritis at the age of 5 and lived to be a happy dog to the age of 14. Go to your vet, they will know how to help you help your dog.

    • Don't use Bengay. He could lick it off and get sick from swelling in the throat. Do use aspirin for him. Big dogs can take 2 baby aspirins or even 3 if they are huge like a St. Bernhard. Small dogs like a yorkie should only have a half of one.

    • No its not safe not only could the dog lick it off his paw but it will definitely irritate his eyes. Talk to a vet, there are meds he can take for the pain. Never give animals any kind of over-the-counter drugs without talking to a vet.