Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog?

I live in the Sacramento area, and I am a psychiatrist. We have a therapy dog program where I work (to help patients with depression, etc.), but currently there are no therapy dogs. I got a puppy for a pet and also for a therapy dog. How do I enroll him…

    Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog?

    I live in the Sacramento area, and I am a psychiatrist. We have a therapy dog program where I work (to help patients with depression, etc.), but currently there are no therapy dogs. I got a puppy for a pet and also for a therapy dog. How do I enroll him…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog?...

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    • Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog?

      Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      I live in the Sacramento area, and I am a psychiatrist. We have a therapy dog program where I work (to help patients with depression, etc.), but currently there are no therapy dogs. I got a puppy for a pet and also for a therapy dog. How do I enroll him in a therapy dog training program? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

      Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog?

      Does anyone know how to turn my puppy into a therapy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I suggest putting the puppy into a puppy kindergarten class. This will provide crucial socialization and enteraction with dogs as well as people. Tell the instructor your future plans with the puppy and they can personalize some lessons for you to get a head start. Start teaching him to be gentle when taking treats, not to jump up, and other behaviors that not only make a good therapy dog but a good pet. Expose him to as many "types" of people, different races, ages, looks, etc and make sure to get him around wheel chairs, walkers , and canes. Make these experiences positive and let lots of people give him little treats. Hope this helps!

    • Our church has classes called PAWS-Pets Are Working Saints. Once they have become socialized to work in the public, they are set up appointments to bring "goodwill" to others. It is a great group.This church is in Lexington KY, but i'm sure they could find someone you could get information from near you.

    • Below are a few links for you.First and foremost, not all dogs can become Therapy Dogs. A Therapy Dog has to enjoy the company of total strangers, be calm and friendly even when things get hectic around him. He has to be very trusting of humans, especially his handler.Your first step has to be basic obedience if you feel your pup fills the above qualities. A Therapy Dog has to obey commands, completely and instantly. They have to know sit/stay/come/stand/wait/leave it/walk nice on a loose lead.A Therapy Dog has to be able to ask to go outside, whether for a break from working or to potty.You also need to take your pup as many places as possible while he is still young and impressionable. If he feels going out and about and meeting new people is simply part of his life, he is one step up on becoming a Therapy Dog.Good luck, and I truly hope it all works out well for you. I do Therapy work with one of my dogs, and the joy he brings to residents of nursing homes, to elementary school children, makes the thousands of hours of training more than worth it!