Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages?

I have a 9 year old dog with skin problems (been to every vet...all I get is ointment and shampoo that only provides temporary relief) and I heard a raw diet might be good.Anyone who can tell me more about this diet and if it's safe to introduce to an…

    Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages?

    I have a 9 year old dog with skin problems (been to every vet...all I get is ointment and shampoo that only provides temporary relief) and I heard a raw diet might be good.Anyone who can tell me more about this diet and if it's safe to introduce to an…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages?...

    • Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages?

      Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 9 year old dog with skin problems (been to every vet...all I get is ointment and shampoo that only provides temporary relief) and I heard a raw diet might be good.Anyone who can tell me more about this diet and if it's safe to introduce to an older dog? Thanks!

      Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages?

      Does anyone have their dogs on a raw food diet right now? What are the advantages or disadvantages? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes. The good thing is they like it and it seems to be good for them. The bad part is the expense, the amount of time making it up almost daily, and it is hard to travel with. If your dog is having skin problems, check with the vet and make sure it isn't a food allergy. The raw diet has whole foods and allergies can occur. Many are meat based and that is the main allergen. Consult a vet first to rule that out. Then research a good diet that works for you and the dog. It is a commitment.

    • I feed a raw diet, and raise a breed that can be prone to skin problems, allergies and vaccinosis/immune problems.Advantages:Better nutrition, complete control of the ingredients, amazing health, coat, muscle tone, etc, provides some sort of mental exercise they seem to need, better dental health, and so many more things.Disadvantages:Time and expense and you need to do some research. I feel the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in the long run. Although you see immediate effects, I know of breeders that are on their third generation of raw fed dogs, and they just keep getting healthier, not to mention increasing length and quality of life of their first and second generation dogs.