How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog?

Hopefully in the near future, my fiance and I are looking to get a puppy and I have always wanted to be able to go into hospitals, especially childrens hospitals, with my dog and give those kids a better experience. We're looking to get a Lab, Boxer, or…

    How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog?

    Hopefully in the near future, my fiance and I are looking to get a puppy and I have always wanted to be able to go into hospitals, especially childrens hospitals, with my dog and give those kids a better experience. We're looking to get a Lab, Boxer, or…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog?...

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    • How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog?

      How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      Hopefully in the near future, my fiance and I are looking to get a puppy and I have always wanted to be able to go into hospitals, especially childrens hospitals, with my dog and give those kids a better experience. We're looking to get a Lab, Boxer, or German Shep. (Unless something else comes across out paths.) We live in SE Wisconsin, right around Milwaukee.So basically, I'm looking for any and all information I can get about therapy dog training and certification.

      How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog?

      How do I go about training and certifying a dog to be a therapy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Visit a couple of the therapy dog websites.Here are a couple of United States based groups.Therapy Dogs International (TDI)Love on a LeashDelta SocietyTherapy work is very rewarding.Some hospitals have restrictions on breeds. I visit a major trauma center near Los Angeles, CA. They DO NOT allow Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Rottweilers of Dobermans, no matter what.That is the only facility I have visited so far that had those restrictions.Your dog will need to be able to get his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) as well as some additional requirements from the threapy groups.My dogs are certified through TDI, who seem to be a little more costly with their membership fees and yearly veterinary tests.

    • Therapy dogs are not certified. They are tested, registered, and insured to go with its owner to visit facilities like hospitals and nursing homes to cheer up patients. Note that like other pets, therapy dogs are only permitted where they are invited. You still have to have permission from the hospital to visit, so it pays to check with the facilities you would like to visit and see what they require. Some will only accept therapy dogs registered with a specific organization.The top three therapy dog organizations in the U.S. are:Delta Society http://www.deltasociety.orgTherapy Dogs International http://tdi-dog.orgTherapy Dogs Incorporated http://therapydogs.comEach has it's own test and registration requirements, and each provides liability insurance for its members.Therapy dog registration is based primarily on temperament. The obedience requirements are minor: walk on a loose leash, sit, down, and come when called all on a plain buckle collar are about it. For most well-behaved pets, an eight week course would be sufficient to prepare for a therapy dog test.You can use the sites listed above to look for clubs, classes, evaluators and tests near you. If you are unable to locate a class nearby, you could try Delta's home study course.