How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box?

She will use the litter box sometimes, but lately decided it's better not to use it to poop! I clean the litter box every day, but that doesn't seem to help. I have taken her to the vet and there is no health problem.

    How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box?

    She will use the litter box sometimes, but lately decided it's better not to use it to poop! I clean the litter box every day, but that doesn't seem to help. I have taken her to the vet and there is no health problem....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box?...

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    • How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box?

      How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
      She will use the litter box sometimes, but lately decided it's better not to use it to poop! I clean the litter box every day, but that doesn't seem to help. I have taken her to the vet and there is no health problem.

      How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box?

      How do I get my cat to poop in the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • I am a Cat person: she is pissed at you for some reason! try using science diet. i know it is expensive but it has known to work. if she has been declawed ( avery bad inhumane thing to do and illegal in many countries) she will always be pissed at you.

    • take the cats paws and brush it in the litter box and make sure that you scold the cat if theres a mess. i guess i was lucky, my cat did it with out any encouagement.we declawed my cat and he loves me. best cat in the world.don't take a dump in the box because the cat will get jelus.

    • use scooping unscented litter - most cats like the texture of scooping litter best and some do not like scented. Do not keep it next to the laundry machine (sometimes the cycle changes and this scares the kitty, giving it bad memories for next time)somebody said "feed science diet" I disagree. Science Diet is overmarketed for its quality - paying for vet endorsement does NOT mean a food is good quality. There are lots better foods out there (depending on where this person lives) I suggest this kitty needs to have litter box habits reinforced by confining it to the room with the litter box. If its an animal from off a farm perhaps it never learned when young.Declawing will deter some cats from using their litter also.

    • Have you tried to use a scoopable litter? My cats do not like the clay non scoop. But then neither do I. It wastes too much. The pee spreads all over instead of forming into a ball you can easily remove. Cats are clean animals and wont use a dirty litter box. Have you washed it out lately. If none of the above works try a different litter. Or if you have more than one cat it may not like shareing. You can also try placing the litter box in a new area. I had an older cat that had a hard time stepping into the box because of its hip. Try cutting the opening down alittle. This is all I have tried. Hope something works for you.