How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish?

I'm trying to breed Bettas and i heard i should use Pea Soup green water as a sourse of food...Sorry PPl I was misunderstood lol.. I need to know how to make Pea Soup green water ( which is what pond water is called when it get algae in it and turn…

    How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish?

    I'm trying to breed Bettas and i heard i should use Pea Soup green water as a sourse of food...Sorry PPl I was misunderstood lol.. I need to know how to make Pea Soup green water ( which is what pond water is called when it get algae in it and turn…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish?...

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    • How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish?

      How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm trying to breed Bettas and i heard i should use Pea Soup green water as a sourse of food...Sorry PPl I was misunderstood lol.. I need to know how to make Pea Soup green water ( which is what pond water is called when it get algae in it and turn green)... Sorry again... ^^

      How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish?

      How do you make Pea Soup green water from home to use as a source for food for fish? Other Pet Discussions
    • You have to puree some peas in a blender and add 1 or 2 cans of chicken broth. For it to taste even better, use chicken stock.(the water and fat that's left over from boiling chicken.)-You can then use (only white meat) the chicken to make chicken salad.The two would go great with each other.Remember to salt & pepper and for color, throw in just a few tiny diced carrots in the soup.

    • This is a real answer so stay with me.Put a couple of leaves of lettuce in a pot of water and heat it to a boil on the stove. Pour it into a bowl and let it cool. put the bowl uncovered in a warm place, where the smell isn't bothersome and let it rot. The idea is, if everything goes well, little protozoan critters blow in from the air and start to feed on the bacteria in the water and multiply rappidly. These are what you feed to the baby fish. If you look close you'll see a milky looking cloud in the water. If you look closer you can see that the cloud is really a swirling mass of little itsy bitsy teeny tiny white things swimming around. These are parameciums (sp?). Newly hatched fish love 'em. These are the same as what you get in green water. There is some danger from this method and from green water of introducing a fungus or bacteria that will kill the fry. Use an eyedropper to suck up some of the little critters and put small amounts in the water with the nest of babies. Too much will foul the water. Another thing some people use is boiled egg yolk. Take a little of the cooked yolk and put it in a small cup of water and smash it up until it breaks up into little particles that cloud the water. you can then use an eye dropper to feed it to the babies. Again in very small amounts or it will really foul the water. Lastly you can by a powdered food for fish fry from a pet store. They might order some for you if you cant find it. Be sure it is specifically for egg laying fish, and not for live bearers. Food for baby live bearers it too big for them to eat. Hope this is helpful. Lots of luck.

    • Listen to the Rat it is good advise. You could also try puting some straw in a jar with 2-3 drops of milk and place it in a window, it will make some nice inosoria. Now do not laugh, but you actually can use cooked spit peas as a food source. Be sure to use it in a bare-bottome tank and clean the bottom with a baster after feeding.