How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to?

He uses it to go pooh no problem, but absolutely hates to urinate in it.Please help.He is already neutered and he is 6 years old.

    How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to?

    He uses it to go pooh no problem, but absolutely hates to urinate in it.Please help.He is already neutered and he is 6 years old....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to?...

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    • How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to?

      How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to? Other Pet Discussions
      He uses it to go pooh no problem, but absolutely hates to urinate in it.Please help.He is already neutered and he is 6 years old.

      How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to?

      How do you get a male cat to use the litter box, when he refuses to? Other Pet Discussions
    • you may need to replace the box. he might be smelling something that bothers him. where is he urinating now? If he's urinating outside the box, he may be trying to tell you he has a problem. I would also take him to the vet for a quick check. Cats tend to talk with their urine! Funny as that sounds, it's true.

    • That happened to my cat twice, once when he got worms from eating something outside and once when he started going through "puberty". It's you cat's way of letting you know he's got to go to the doctor :) And don't be afraid of neutering.. trust me.. even if ur cat is sad for like a week he will be back on his feet and running around like crazy in no time :)

    • Some cats are funny about using the litter box. I have a cat I took off the street. He will cry and cry at the door when he has to use the bathroom. So the vet told me to put the litter bax either in the basement or a room in my house I use the least. They say cat don't like to be seen using the litter box. So thats what I did and it seems to be working. You can try that and see if that helps.

    • change the litter box daily, the smell of his own urine he does not like, male cats are the worst they spray alot so, good luck girl on keeping your MALE cat from doing that, why not try to get a female cat for him? when she uses the box he would just love the scent and he might just use it

    • Male cats do this in order to "mark" their territory by spraying urine all over the place. They do this to let other male cats know that this is "their territory" . Male cats will do this even if there is no other male around- it is instinct. As some of the other answers metioned you may want to have him neutered. This cuts down on the male hormone and ofter will stop his desire to mark his territory. Another thing to think about it is sometimes when cats have a urinary tract infections they will avoid using the litter box as well. You may want to have a vet check him for this. If an infection is not the problem then it may be he spraying and you need to neuter him. Also make sure his litter box is clean. Scoop out clumps daily and dispose of them and change his litter once a week in the box. Cats will avoid dirty litter boxes