How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?

He vomits everyday and everything, what to do?

    How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?

    He vomits everyday and everything, what to do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?...

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    • How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?

      How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day? Other Pet Discussions
      He vomits everyday and everything, what to do?

      How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?

      How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day? Other Pet Discussions
    • What are you feeding her? Perhaps she is allergic to her food. Also watch out for plants on oyur house, lillies ar every poisionous to cats. make sure she is not over eating and make sure she is not ill. is she having a bowel movement? if not she could have an obstruction. hav eher checked by a vet.

    • take cat, stool specimen, and get to the vet pronto...not normal or healthy for any animal to vomit all the could have parasites-mine did-finally got the right meds for her thru the VET...get it???

    • The cat may have a problem with the food you are feeding her. Try asking the vet what food to put her on. It may just be her body rejecting something in the food. You might want to get her some of that cat grass you can buy. They say that helps clean there system out. Not cat nip it is grass you buy and grow for the cat.

    • Definitely take him to the vet. Something is probably very wrong. If he is allowed to keep vomiting he will very quickly get dehydrated. The vet may want to do blood work to check the vital organs and see if they are functioning properly, some conditions involving his internal organs can cause vomiting. Also they may check hydration status and if he is too dehydrated they may want to give him fluids. The vet may even want to take x-rays to see if something is stuck in the digestive system or if there is anything else abnormal in there- I have seen a cat that swallowed a penny that got stuck so even cats can swallow weird things. If he did eat something bad or toxic, like some human medicines/certain plants, make sure your vet knows so he/she can treat it accordingly. It may end up being food related as others have said but since he is vomiting everything everyday go to the vet first and discuss this issue during the exam. Take him to the vet very, very soon. Not getting nutrients and water due to vomiting every day can be very damaging to a cats body if not addressed right away. Good luck!