How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house?

I have two dogs and I keep them downstairs in the basement when I am not home. I am having trouble getting rid of the smell down there.

    How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house?

    I have two dogs and I keep them downstairs in the basement when I am not home. I am having trouble getting rid of the smell down there....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house?...

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    • How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house?

      How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two dogs and I keep them downstairs in the basement when I am not home. I am having trouble getting rid of the smell down there.

      How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house?

      How do you get rid of Pet smells in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • The best way to get rid of pet smells is to get rid of the pet. This works regardless of whether the pet is a dog, cat, or bird. It might even work with fish.

    • There should be a 'Urine off' that your vet sells or something similar to it. It takes out stains and odors caused by urination!if this is a reoccuring problem (the urination) you may want to have them checked out for UTI or depeding on how old they are, they might have urinary problems and may need to be put on medication (i.e. PPA, Stilbesterol, Proin, etc.) to help prevent this problem. Also, when you are not home, you should maybe think about crating them so that the urine does not stain/cause odor on your carpet! Just put a towel in there with them so it is easier to clean up (old blankets, towels, etc.) Hope everything goes well and good luck!

    • I was having trouble with pet odor, and then I read on my box of Borax, that it helps remove pet smells. So I tried it, and it worked. I have tried using the baking soda before, but Borax works much better. It is very cheap, only like 2-3 dollars, and you can find it in the laundry section of your local department store. Just read the directions on the box. Good luck.

    • I have four and can say, get tile or linoleum.If you must have carpet down there, vac after putting down baking soda or PET carpet fresh and leaving on a long time.Get a steam cleaner (cheapest are like $88 at wm) and use HOT white vinegar to about 2/3 water. The vinegar gets rid of pet smells. Rinse. Use fabric softener on a third round if you want.Get a few plug in air fresheners and put them down there, and one at the upstairs landing.Put a fan someplace that moves the air out if you can.Even with all of these, it's difficult. That smell gets on everything, especially carpeting and fabrics. And some dogs smell worse than others, GENERALLY, like beagles.