How do I get over being afraid of spiders?

Ok I can't spell the long scientific workd: Arachna...I'll stop now. But the fear seems to be getting worse.

    How do I get over being afraid of spiders?

    Ok I can't spell the long scientific workd: Arachna...I'll stop now. But the fear seems to be getting worse....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get over being afraid of spiders?...

    • How do I get over being afraid of spiders?

      How do I get over being afraid of spiders? Other Pet Discussions
      Ok I can't spell the long scientific workd: Arachna...I'll stop now. But the fear seems to be getting worse.

      How do I get over being afraid of spiders?

      How do I get over being afraid of spiders? Other Pet Discussions
    • I don't think you ever get over the fear of anything, but you can learn to control your fear and not let it control you. You need to ask yourself what it is about the spider that you fear most? What you can do to prevent that from happening other than running from the problem? Proceed with that course of action. If you don't take control over that specific fear, it won't be long before another fear will come to join the fear of spiders and you will be even more controlled by fear. Take control of YOUR life. YOU CAN DO IT!!!