How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others?

Considering that she already plays and runs aeound out in the backyard and house with my other dog and 4 cats.Shes 2 months old.

    How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others?

    Considering that she already plays and runs aeound out in the backyard and house with my other dog and 4 cats.Shes 2 months old....
    Other Pet Discussions : How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others?...

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    • How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others?

      How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others? Other Pet Discussions
      Considering that she already plays and runs aeound out in the backyard and house with my other dog and 4 cats.Shes 2 months old.

      How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others?

      How often should my rottweiler be walked for excercise and socalization around others? Other Pet Discussions
    • She needs lots of exercise. Running around in the yard is good but maybe take her for a jog or run. I don't think a lot of dog parks allow rottweilers but that would be an excellent to socialize.

    • Everyday! Socialization is extremely important for any young puppy. As long as she's vaccinated against parvo, distemper, ect..They shouldn't give you the rabies shot at 8 weeks old, but that's fine for now. If you want a friendly dog who's social with people and other dogs, start as young as you can. I have two Rottweilers. One is the greatest dog ever because I took the time when she was young to socialize her every day with other dogs and people. My other was a rescue and is dog aggressive with some larger males, but great with the Chihuahua up the road and my moms Jack Russell Terrier, and of course, with my other Rottie.

    • wait until she's about 3-4 months old for walks (its less dangerous). but until she's an adult, give her about 10-30 minutes of walking depending on how big she is and how much she can do without getting to tired.also, you should make sure to socialize her with little kids while she's a puppy so when she's an adult she knows that kids are fun but need to be played with carefully. maybe even if you have a friend who has a smaller animal (like a rabbit) show it to her too. this way she'll be introduced to smaller animals and won't want to chase them when shes older.

    • As a puppy you can't overwork her. For now, since she hasn't had all her shots, what you're doing is fine. As an adult, Rotties can tend to fat if they don't get lots of vigorous exercise. They are a large dog and require at least 2 hours a day as adults to maintain their muscle tone and avoid gaining weight. Obesity is very hard on not only their joints but their organs as well and can drastically shorten their lives. As soon as your puppy has all its shots, you should walk her daily. Take her to the dog park, take her to the grocery store or WalMart and stand outside so everyone can come over and pet her. Anywhere there's lots of human foot traffic. As for doggy socialization, obedience is a great start and many obedience places have doggy play times that they schedule on weekends. If your dog is well-socialized, for $5 you can take your dog there to be let loose and play with all the other dogs for a couple of hours.

    • She should not go on walks or be where other dogs are until she has completed her vaccinations (or until the vet gives the all clear.) Then i would say a pup would need a half an hour of controlled walks per day, gradually increasing duration or speed as the pup grows (you'll know if she needs more because she'll likely get more bouncy in the home.)As for socialization, i would enroll in a group puppy class run by a local kennel club (NOT a Petsmart or Petco class - quality of their trainers is iffy, at best). It will give you the chance to socialize her to other pups in a controlled environment with professional supervision, and will give you the chance to work with said professional for training. He or she will be at your mercy should problems arise.Otherwise, i would make a point to get her OUT in public once a week to interact with people. Get her used to different places, sights, sounds, and smells.

    • Everyday you should be exercising and socializing you puppy. However, since your pup is only 2 months old, she hasn't had a full set of vaccines, so taking her for neighborhood walks or dog parks is not a good idea. Her immune system is not what is should be yet and she is very susceptible to disease right now. Ideally you shouldn't take her for neighborhood walks, dog parks or have her around any animal who's vaccine history you do not know for 2 weeks after her final series vaccine (Distemper combo, Bordetella (kennel cough) and Rabies).You can however allow her to play in your back yard, and take her to friends/family members houses as long as they have healthy, vaccinated pets. Trips to the pet store are ok, but keep her in the cart. Do not allow her to walk around the store.Be sure to take her to the Vet if you haven't already. At 2 months of age she is old enough for her 1st Distemper combo vaccine, a deworming and a stool check. She should also be started on heart worm prevention soon.