Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?

Sometimes she'll approach my face from a distance, stick out her neck, and smell my eyes. Sometimes she'll smell my mouth too. Just wondering about the behavior. This is my first indoor cat.

    Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?

    Sometimes she'll approach my face from a distance, stick out her neck, and smell my eyes. Sometimes she'll smell my mouth too. Just wondering about the behavior. This is my first indoor cat....
    Other Pet Discussions : Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?...

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    • Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?

      Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes? Other Pet Discussions
      Sometimes she'll approach my face from a distance, stick out her neck, and smell my eyes. Sometimes she'll smell my mouth too. Just wondering about the behavior. This is my first indoor cat.

      Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?

      Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hehe she's just sniffing new smells. Everything's a curiousity with cats no matter how close up and personal. My friend's cat licks her ear wax out of her ear...so consider yourself lucky.

    • She is trying to find out where you have been and what you have eaten, also whether some other cat has scentmarked you by rubbing their face against yours. Its quite natural, and a loving thing.

    • Cats don't see things like we as people do. You cat sees something like water staying in your head, and moving around. It has been said curiosity killed the cat. Have A Blessed Day

    • to see what you have eaten, and to smell you better.\my cat used to hit my face with his paw until i opened my mouth, then he would stick his nose inside and smell. to see what i ate for lunch. haha.