How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard?

If I was to give my rabbit a free run in my backyard, how would I prevent it from digging a hole and escaping from my backyard.

    How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard?

    If I was to give my rabbit a free run in my backyard, how would I prevent it from digging a hole and escaping from my backyard....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard?...

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    • How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard?

      How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard? Other Pet Discussions
      If I was to give my rabbit a free run in my backyard, how would I prevent it from digging a hole and escaping from my backyard.

      How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard?

      How do i prevent a rabbit from digging in my backyard? Other Pet Discussions
    • You could get a bunch of chilli pepper and cayenne pepper powder and mix them together, then sprinkle it around the borders of your yard. The rabbit will cut n run after sniffing that up. This will only last about a day though, then you'll have to reapply it.

    • The other answers are good. You may want to also consider a fence that will keep out neighbor dogs, coyotes, and other predators. Raccoons would be my biggest concern.

    • keep him inside, my 6 lb rabbit is an indoor rabbit, whenever he feels like digging holes he tries to do it along the wooden floor, and he doesnt mess up the wood, his paws arent strong enough to scrath the wood. i give him about 2 to 3 c arrots a day and i notice when i forget its like he threatens me and begins to chew on the tv wires or the couch only when i dont give him carrots. other than that, keep your bunny inside, clean his cage once a week so its doesnt stink and its better htan worring of having him run away.