How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog?

I just adopted an 10 week old kitten and have a 9 yr old black lab. My lab is trying so hard to play and be nice to the kitten, and she is still (2 weeks) running from the dog, hissing and growling.

    How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog?

    I just adopted an 10 week old kitten and have a 9 yr old black lab. My lab is trying so hard to play and be nice to the kitten, and she is still (2 weeks) running from the dog, hissing and growling....
    Other Pet Discussions : How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog?...

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    • How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog?

      How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog? Other Pet Discussions
      I just adopted an 10 week old kitten and have a 9 yr old black lab. My lab is trying so hard to play and be nice to the kitten, and she is still (2 weeks) running from the dog, hissing and growling.

      How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog?

      How to help a kitten be less afraid of an older dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • time..try spending time holding the kitten while the dog sniffs the kitten..won't happen overnight.. but the kitten will get used to the dog and they will end up if not best buddies.. at least tolerant of each other

    • The kitten is tiny and scared of the big dog. She/he is hissing and growling trying to say stay way . I would separate them when you are not home or not in immediate contact. As for the dog tring to play he might be playing to rough in for what the cat feels safe with. I think after time they will tolerate each other but might never become friends.

    • Keep them seperated unless you are there to supervise. Then try VERY gradual exposure. Make the dog lie quietly on the floor while you are across the room with the kitten. Arrange things so the kitten can SEE the dog, but isn't close enough to feel threatened. Then give the kitten a treat. Keep petting and giving treats for a few minutes. Do this often. The idea is to get Kitty thinking "I'm scared to death of that awful monster, but every time I see it the most wonderful things happen!"After Kitty has had a couple weeks to make this connecting, start VERY gradually decreasing the distance. Have someone walk Rover around a little, but not real close to Kitty. Stop isolating Kitty when you aren't home, as long as there is somewhere safe and secure to hide. It takes patience, but it is worth it when your pets form friendships.

    • The kittens have to be around the older dog a lot and you should hold the kitten or kittens in your lap or hand depending on how big the kitten(s)is/are and let the older dog sniff the kitten to know that its not prey and so the dog can get used to it.

    • Kill yr tele has answered beautifully!I just want to add, your Lab obviously is a well loved secure dog and he is being wonderful about the new baby.Be patient once the kitten realizes that the dog doesn't mean any harm, they'll be best of buddies!