What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach?

I usually forget to feed my puppy. And I feed her leftovers. Is it alright to feed my puppy leftovers? What should I do? Is there a medicine for it? What should I feed my puppy and what not?

    What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach?

    I usually forget to feed my puppy. And I feed her leftovers. Is it alright to feed my puppy leftovers? What should I do? Is there a medicine for it? What should I feed my puppy and what not?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach?...

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    • What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach?

      What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach? Other Pet Discussions
      I usually forget to feed my puppy. And I feed her leftovers. Is it alright to feed my puppy leftovers? What should I do? Is there a medicine for it? What should I feed my puppy and what not?

      What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach?

      What do you do when your dog gets worms in her stomach? Other Pet Discussions
    • Leftovers? such as human leftovers? It is not a good idea - for human food can make an animal fat just like certain foods can do that to humans - animals need to eat and should only eat animal foods.Take the animal to the vet if it appears to be sick - and even if it does not appear to be sick, get it examined anyway and from now on - feed it only food fit for dogs.Your vet will recommend foods for dogs.

    • 1) Your puppy should be eating a nutritionally balanced puppy food. Your vet can recommend a good brand. Leftover human food is not good for dogs and particularly unhealthy for puppies.2) DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR PUPPY. Feed him/her at regular times. It's cruel to "forget" to feed him. And if the neighbors find out and call the animal protection authorities, it can even get you into trouble with the law.3) About the worms: See your vet for de-worming. The vet will also prescribe regular medication (such as a once-a-month pill) to keep the worms from coming back.You need to take better care of your puppy, otherwise he will grow up to be an unhealthy dog and he may not live as long as he should. Good luck!

    • Any dogs should not eat leftovers. You can take to a vet's, they can do the proper test to see if she has worms. If you can't remember to feed your puppy, you might want to give her to someone who won"t forget

    • So U'r dog has worms? go 2 the vet they'll give U medicine 4 it my first dog had worms and the vet cured it up, by the way feeding U'r do left overs S dangerous F U give the wrong food, giving a puppy bones that can B choked on S dangerous soft foods like corn, and stuffing S alright once N a while, 2 much left overs then the pup comes acustome 2 it and begins 2 beg a lot! Trust me when she starts 2 learn when 2 whine she will WHINE!!!!

    • You really need to take a stool sample to your vet and get it evaluated. The proper diagnosis needs to be done so the proper medicine can be given. Not all worm medicines treat all worms. Your dog should also be tested for heart worms.You should never feed leftovers to a puppy or dog. It creates a habit of begging. One that is difficult to break. Your dog really needs to eat a good quality dog food for optimum health.Take your puppy to the vet soon as worms can kill a puppy. By the way wash your hands after playing with a wormy puppy.Good luck!

    • Dogs should not eat human scraps. Feed your puppy... puppy food. Get it to the vet if you think it has worms.And ultimately if you can't remember to feed your dog, then maybe you are not ready to have that kind of commitment.

    • You should give her regular dog food if you can afford it. You can get all kinds of medicines for that at the vet. Thats the only place to get it that I know of.Good Luck!