How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door?

Our cats are very bad about jumping on the screen door even our wood door in the kitchen. We have tried spraying them with water and making loud noises but it didn't work.

    How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door?

    Our cats are very bad about jumping on the screen door even our wood door in the kitchen. We have tried spraying them with water and making loud noises but it didn't work....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door?...

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    • How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door?

      How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door? Other Pet Discussions
      Our cats are very bad about jumping on the screen door even our wood door in the kitchen. We have tried spraying them with water and making loud noises but it didn't work.

      How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door?

      How do I keep my cats from jumping on the screen door? Other Pet Discussions
    • Most of the time you should wave your finger in front of their face waving your finger back and forth as close as you can and or get a repell spray that keeps cats away from whereever you spray it.

    • time patience and a good squirt gun.but you must really be consistant.i'm not saying they;re stubborn but they tend to process only what they want when the want so it won't happen over night

    • I used a spray bottle of water to get the point across to my cat was he was a kitten. now I don't even have to spray him, he just has to see the spray bottle and stops immediately.

    • The undesirable behavior must be addressed just as it starts, or is about to start. Rewards, such as petting, praising, or tiny, low-calorie treats should be offered when the behavior experts state in part (in reference to stopping biting behavior):"The best approach is to use behavior modification that interrupts the inappropriate behavior and replaces it with a more appropriate one. For instance, when the kitten bites during play, it can be surprised with a water pistol or a hissing compressed air canister at close range. The point is to startle the kitten so that the biting or scratching stops immediately. This goal is best accomplished if the startle occurs as the kitty is commencing the biting, not after he has been biting you for several seconds. Then, when the kitty seeks out your company, you can stroke, massage, and provide food treats whenever he is acting calm. It is very important to reward ‘good’ behavior since this will accomplish more than just correcting inappropriate behavior. You must be vigilant and watch for the first signs of play aggression including dilated pupils, claws unsheathed, ears back, tail twitching. Correct the kitten immediately by using the above-mentioned startle technique as early in the aggression sequence as possible. Say a firm ‘No!’ so that the kitty will learn to associate that voice command with an unpleasant event and eventually all you will have to do to correct is to say ‘No!’ and the kitten will respond. The startle or correction should be humane and so should be at the lowest level of stimulus that achieves the desired effect of aborting the behavior. We don’t want to terrify the kitten." (

    • Simple, declaw, (no its not cruel, if they're fed and have affection and good homes, taking away their destructive claws, isn't mean.) Worse things could happen.

    • Rolled up newspaper???!!!!!! (in response to an answer somewhere above me) NEVER! NEVER hit your cat with anything!!!! It's simply not necessary!Praise for something good! Water bottle or the waving the finger trick worked for me!

    • Take alittle petrolium jelly and mix some black pepper or chili powder in with it. Spread it on the screen and door. Cats hate to have anything on thier paws. They will then lick it off,get the hot taste in thier mouths and leave the screens and doors alone! knowing that it makes thier mouths hot when they do it. You'll have to let them do it a couple of times because, they will test it to see if it happens each time they do it.