How do i get my sun conure to stop biting?

I like to keep my sun conure "skittles" out of his cage a lot. I have a problem with that though. He bites when he dont get his way. Like when i stop him from chewing on the key board, or my buttons/zippers/chains on my cloths he bites me. So if some1…

    How do i get my sun conure to stop biting?

    I like to keep my sun conure "skittles" out of his cage a lot. I have a problem with that though. He bites when he dont get his way. Like when i stop him from chewing on the key board, or my buttons/zippers/chains on my cloths he bites me. So if some1…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i get my sun conure to stop biting?...

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    • How do i get my sun conure to stop biting?

      How do i get my sun conure to stop biting? Other Pet Discussions
      I like to keep my sun conure "skittles" out of his cage a lot. I have a problem with that though. He bites when he dont get his way. Like when i stop him from chewing on the key board, or my buttons/zippers/chains on my cloths he bites me. So if some1 could help me i would realy appreciate it thank you.

      How do i get my sun conure to stop biting?

      How do i get my sun conure to stop biting? Other Pet Discussions
    • ask a vet, but is it young? if so, then play with it and see if it bites you. when it does, say ow and shake it off. do this several times, maybe it will stop biting because of the physical pain it experiences while biting. you can also get a cuttlebone, you can find it at a pet store. it'll bite that more instead of biting you.

    • I have this problem sometimes with My Congo Gray ( African Gray Parrot) I raised her from Hatch, however she still has her MOMENTS when she wants her own way!This is what I do, Should she start to bite down on my finger I curl my finger into knuckle form, placing my thumb on TOP of her beak, applying up and down pressure while also telling her NO firmly. Other times I will just get her beak between my thumb and first finger and gently tug or twist ( I do mean GENTLY here despite how hard they bite you don't want to kill them if you tug or twist to hard! ) her beak again saying NO firmly. 90% of the time this works on her the only time it doesn't is if she's really scared or stressed from a vet visit ( which entails a car ride in a pet carrier that she HATES and usually gets taken out of about 10 min's into the ride, and the general vet poking, clipping, trimming, filing that gets done ). OOH she hates that the most *laugh*.When Skittles starts to chew on your keyboard or what ever, do this and then offer him something more appropriate to chew on like a chew stick, peanut, etc. ( you now bird appropriate chewy stuff.) Given time it will learn it only chews on it's chew toy's not you or other items.Oh this shouldn't take to long for your bird to figure out it's not supposed to chew on anything but it's chew items though he might forget from time to time it would be very rare that he would. Conure's are just as bright as any parrot when it comes to learning things.Good luck and as long as he doesn't break skin your OK the moment he breaks skin you might have to be a bit more assertive and even do Time OUTS in his Cage till he gets the idea that when he bits you he gets in trouble. As I said Parrots are Really quite smart and learn quickly.

    • Here's what I was told by my vet, spray them with water. When my TAG (Timneh African Grey), Bogart, starts to bite, scream or throws his food, I spray him with my water gun. It's funny to watch but very effective for me! Hope it helps!