What are some fly spray brands that actually work?

Im looking to buy fly spray but most I buy never work. So what brands do you use that work?

    What are some fly spray brands that actually work?

    Im looking to buy fly spray but most I buy never work. So what brands do you use that work?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What are some fly spray brands that actually work?...

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    • What are some fly spray brands that actually work?

      What are some fly spray brands that actually work? Other Pet Discussions
      Im looking to buy fly spray but most I buy never work. So what brands do you use that work?

      What are some fly spray brands that actually work?

      What are some fly spray brands that actually work? Other Pet Discussions
    • I've haven't been needing to switch my equine fly spray ever. The type that I use, works great! All you need to do is spray some of it onto a cloth, rag or sponge and wipe it onto your horse. They say you shouldn't directly spray the spray right onto your horse. (Don't know why). It's called "Ultra Shield". It's a big spray container and it's black. Works great!

    • Endure is all I ever use, because it seems like everything else is crap. It's all that I've ever had REALLY work for me. I'm definitely all for alternative fly protection that isn't chemical packed.... like fly masks, sheets, leg wraps, belly guards, etc. I usually have a fly mask & sheet on my horse when she's turned out. Cashel makes a ton of awesome fly protection products, and even some that are made to be used while riding. but as far as sprays go, Endure all the way.

    • I love Pyranha fly spray, sprayed it on a horse that already had some flys on it, and the flys shriveled up and fell off right before my eyes. It was legit.

    • I use the NAF deet - basically look for one which has deet as the active ingrediant.I also use this http://www.centralsaddlery.co.uk/product/naf-ditch-ointment/ - it works really well both to remove the itch and also to prevent fly's biting. It does leave the coat a little greasy but works really well. My mare has sweet itch and I couldn't cope without this stuff. Her rug doesn't cover her belly round her udders and even with spray she usually gets bitten badly there, to the point she has bloody spots all over her belly. I put some of this down the midline every couple of days and since I started using it she's never been bitten there.

    • heres something you guys might want to try. mix a 50% water and cheap mouthwash solution in a spray bottle, works good for me and cheap! Here in Florida the bug are way bad and this trick does the job here. I use that immitation listerine. yellow.