How do I make my cat eat something else then fish?

My cat is 4 months old, it's a boy and for about one week I have been feeding him only canned tuna. I didn't know that is not good for the cat. Now he won't eat anything else.

    How do I make my cat eat something else then fish?

    My cat is 4 months old, it's a boy and for about one week I have been feeding him only canned tuna. I didn't know that is not good for the cat. Now he won't eat anything else....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I make my cat eat something else then fish?...

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    • How do I make my cat eat something else then fish?

      How do I make my cat eat something else then fish? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat is 4 months old, it's a boy and for about one week I have been feeding him only canned tuna. I didn't know that is not good for the cat. Now he won't eat anything else.

      How do I make my cat eat something else then fish?

      How do I make my cat eat something else then fish? Other Pet Discussions
    • Go to a vet's office and get a Walton's catfood either dry or canned. My cat loves his Walton cat food so much he refuses to eat anyting else and it is just the healthiest for him--his coat is beautiful and he looks aobut 2 even though he is 18!

    • Feed him a good dry food. If he's hungry enough he'll eat it. Just canned tuna does not provide the proper nutrients your cat needs. Try a food called Natural Balance. Don't feed him wiskis or cat chow!!

    • definately not good for himoffer good quality Chicken and Rice cat food (dry) and eventually he will eat - they wont starve themself...if you put the food in microwave for 10 seconds it brings out the oils to make it smell yummieryou can offer canned chicken and rice too (small amount) or may even force him to eat some by putting some on your finger and putting your finger in his mouth and rubbing it on the roof of his mouth so he gets a taste....