How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed?

My brand new kitten of 5 days keeps peeing on my bed in the morning, and he never pees any other time, or any other place, but he does go poo in his box. How can I train him not to wet the bed before it get out of control?he does have a litter box only a…

    How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed?

    My brand new kitten of 5 days keeps peeing on my bed in the morning, and he never pees any other time, or any other place, but he does go poo in his box. How can I train him not to wet the bed before it get out of control?he does have a litter box only a…...
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    • How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed?

      How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed? Other Pet Discussions
      My brand new kitten of 5 days keeps peeing on my bed in the morning, and he never pees any other time, or any other place, but he does go poo in his box. How can I train him not to wet the bed before it get out of control?he does have a litter box only a few feet away from my bed and its still very clean.

      How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed?

      How do I stop my kitten from peeing on my bed? Other Pet Discussions
    • Dont let it in the bedroom-as it not a PU**Y---and buy it a kitty litter tray filled with absorbent material--show it once and sit it in it--and it will remember--cats dont like to wet inside other than in a tray which they can use and then use their paws to cover up.

    • Keep the kitten out of your room. Also change the kitty litter twice a week and when you catch him or her peeing outside the box pick the kitten up, place it in the box and praise it.

    • My male cat would do that when he was a kitten. He was very small, and i think he was scared to jump off the bed, so in turn he would pee on my husbands feet every night LOL. He did this for about a month. Then one day he just stopped doing it. I also would not help him down off the bed I made him do it himself so he could see he was not going to get hurt.

    • Buy a small litter box that you can sit on your bed as you get out..over the spot where kitty goes. Then move the box slowly over to his box area...long training time, but it should work. Spray bottles or clickers will help too if you are around when the accidents happen to stop them.

    • when you see your kitten start to pee then put her in her litter tray and this will make her realise what she should be doing.I t will take time to train her but if you love your kitten enough you will keep up with this. A kitten is like a toddler, you have to teach them to do to the toilet so you have to teach her to do in the litter tray. you will get there in the end. Good luck

    • That whole "rub his face in it" crap is so not the answer. If you just got the kitten it is always a good idea to put it in it's own special room ( small bathroom is great) with everything it needs and visit him there for a few days. A big new place is overwhelming and can cause anxiety even if you don't think so. Cats will tell you they are unhappy by doing just what he is doing, peeing. It isn't punishment and it might help him get used to his new space and you. I know some people find this part hard but it is better for the cat in the long run. After a couple of days, let him explore a new room or two in the house, always leaving his room open for him if he wants to run back. It may make him more secure with his new surroundings, especially if there are other animals or children around. Also, if he doesn't like the feel of that particualar litter, he may try to avoid it. Some cats are very finicky when it comes to litter.

    • don't listen to any of these people here i had to do this before what you have to do is put your cats food and water next to her box and while she eats and drinks shell see it and go in the box and so while shes eating she can get used to the box being there and use it instead of peeing every where else....

    • Patience and consistency is the key to training. Cats don't like to live or eat near where they potty ! Keep taking him to the litter box as soon as you wake up in the morning. It might help to put a cloth down where the kitten "goes" and then move that cloth to the litter box so that it's smell is IN the litter box. Be consistent !Yelling and/or rubbing his nose in it will achieve NOTHING ! The deed was done and the kitten will not know why you are upset.

    • 1. Confine him to a smaller room like your bathroom. Allow him time to get used to her surroundings and to understand what is expected of him. Experiment with different types of litter. Place 2 or 3 types in the room for him to show you his preference. Do not allow him in your room unsupervised until he is consistently using the literbox. He may learn to like soft surfaces so you may need to remove bathroom rugs until he learns.2. Once trained, make sure other cats or dogs or children do not scare her and make her afraid to go to the box. Introduce him to larger areas of your home supervised always returning him to the box every 30 min or so to be sure to remind him. Gradually get him used to the whole house.3. Make sure your vet checks her out to be sure she doesn't have a urinary tract infection or another problem.4. As soon as he is old enough...GET HIM NEUTERED!!!5. Make sure you clean any accident areas REALLY WELL with a urine neutralizer, sold at vets and pet stores. Nature's Miracle and Outright are two good ones to try6. Always have 1 more litterbox than the number of cats you have and always have at least 1 box per level (1st floor 2nd floor) of ou home....and keep them super clean!Hope this helps! ^. . ^

    • One of my kittens was doing this recently. I asked the vet about it and he said that it is possible the one doing it doesn't like the choice of litter in the box. He said they prefer unscented scoopable litter. He said to try that and gave me a sample of stuff called 'cat attract'. Also you should make sure you clean the spot with a cleaner like nature's miracle that has enzymes to completely get rid of the scent. That way they don't think that it's an ok place to go just because they have before. I bought a water proof through from Meijer to put on my bed so that they don't keep getting my bedding messy. I also read somewhere that sometimes they don't like to pee and poop in the same box, so maybe you could try getting a 2nd box and see if that helps since he is doing one in the box and one out. I got a 2nd box and it seems to have helped (although I mostly did it because I have two cats).