I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets?

In San Diego County there are so many foreclosures and people are so desperate that they leave their pets abandoned in their home where their fate is horrific: a slow a painful death due to starvation or exposure.I would work with banks and realtors to…

    I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets?

    In San Diego County there are so many foreclosures and people are so desperate that they leave their pets abandoned in their home where their fate is horrific: a slow a painful death due to starvation or exposure.I would work with banks and realtors to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets?...

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    • I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets?

      I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets? Other Pet Discussions
      In San Diego County there are so many foreclosures and people are so desperate that they leave their pets abandoned in their home where their fate is horrific: a slow a painful death due to starvation or exposure.I would work with banks and realtors to have access to homes to rescue pets and at least get them to a shelter where they would have food, water, and at least a chance of being adopted.Any advice or has anyone heard of such an organization?

      I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets?

      I would like to start an organization that goes to foreclosed homes and checks for abandoned pets? Other Pet Discussions
    • You would have to contact Animal Control. I have inquired about this because a kitten came to me in a roundabout way and I believe she was a victim of abandonment and foreclosure. She was severly dehydrated and in awful condition. I had never seen a kitten so starved and dehydrated. I had her a day and a half and the vet put her down. My mom helped and brought her to an emergency vet. I called her because she's a vet tech with lots of animal experience. You have to find out when people have moved out. That's the time to go. I think signs should be placed on homes that have been foreclosed. To heck with privacy. People that abandon pets should be prosecuted fully. No excuse. Animal Legal Defense Fund is an organization that seeks to toughen up the penalties for animal cruelty. Abuse an animal. Go to jail. Talk with animal control. Talk with real estate agents. Something needs to be done but you may have to work on the down low. It may need to be an underground organization because of the laws.

    • i think this is a great idea. I have never heard of an organization like this. I think the best way to start out is to contact banks, realtors, Sheriff's Department (since they are usually the ones that serve the paperwork and might know if animals are left in the home) and mortgage companies and explain what you would like to do. Leave business cards with them so they can contact you if they need to. You might also want to look at doing this when a family is evicted. Again, the Sheriff Department would be the best place to start for evictions. Good luck to you!!

    • It's a great idea. It will be a lot of marketing with the realtors. People will move out in the middle of the night. The neighbors moved out next to my mom like that. Luckily they took both of their dogs. Also military bases have a problem with service personal abandoning their pets when they leave and can't take them. I think in my personal opinion the military should not allow pets to live in base housing. Luckily for me, my in-laws took in my little dog when we got transferred.