what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product?

Every time I get new fish I get a new case of ICK in my tank. Most of the fish eventually die. Currently using QuikCur which is not working at all. Any suggestions and where can I get the suggested product?

    what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product?

    Every time I get new fish I get a new case of ICK in my tank. Most of the fish eventually die. Currently using QuikCur which is not working at all. Any suggestions and where can I get the suggested product?...
    Other Pet Discussions : what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product?...

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    • what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product?

      what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product? Other Pet Discussions
      Every time I get new fish I get a new case of ICK in my tank. Most of the fish eventually die. Currently using QuikCur which is not working at all. Any suggestions and where can I get the suggested product?

      what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product?

      what is the best remedy for getting rid of ICK from a 20 gallon fish tank? Where can I get the product? Other Pet Discussions
    • go to a pet store and ask the workers what to use. tell them your situation. you might need a better filter system or to change out a portion of the water more frequently.

    • Every time you treat a tank with a medication you kill off all the beneficial bacteria, which causes your levels of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite to rise, which stresses the fish and leaves them susceptible to another bout of ich. The best way to get rid of ich is to treat the tank with salt (ich can't tolerate it, it won't decycle your tank and helps your fish maintain a healthy amount of slime) and raise the temperature of your tank for a week. Aquarium salt for freshwater fish should be added at about one level tablespoon for every five gallons. I would also suggest that you not but anymore fish for a few weeks while your current fish recurperate.

    • I say the first step would be to empty your tank and clean it and clean all the stuff you put in it. Then refill the tank and start fresh. the pet store has the products you need to add to your water. They will know more about the water in your area. Remember to let the water stand in the tank for 24 hour. Filter system very important. Big enough to handle the tank you have. Cleaning fish to help do the job. Then just keep up with the maintenance.

    • I wouldn't change the whole tank, your fish get ick because they are stressed out. when you buy new fish make sure they are healthy. don't buy any fish out of a tank that has even one sick fish in it. You need to get medicine specially for ick. you can get it at the pet store or walmart. Pet store would be able to give you more information about it. Also depending on the kind of fish you have you can put aquarium salt in your tank. Gold fish, molies and some other live bearers like to have a little salt in teh tank and it helps with the ick. Also when you put new fish in your tank try adding some stress coat it will help the fish out some too. and I always feed my fish when I add new ones, gives them something else to concentrate on other than the new fish. good luck.

    • Salt and warmer water. I would do 1 teaspoon per gallon, 3 times. So you would do 20 teaspoons every 12 hours hours 3 times. You can use aquarium salt but you can also use table salt as long as it doesn't contain any crakling agents. And just raise the temp a few degrees. Dont forget it always get worse before it gets better. Oh and when you do a water change dont forget to put back the salt that you take out.

    • For all ornamental fish - Excluding scaless fish, catfish, algae eaters,shrimp and snails use product (rid-ick) or (cure ick) can be found at petsmart.These products contain formaldehyde and malichite green, which is unsafe for the above mentioned fish. For tanks that have scaless fish, catfish, shrimp or snails use product( coppersafe) made by Mardel- can be found at Petsmart. IF you have saltwater fish Use (ick attack) can be found at petsmart. Remember that Ick is a parasite, what you are seeing on your fish are the eggs, the adults are free swimming in your tank and you cannot see the adults. The medications kill the adults, so it will take several days of medicating your tank to kill off all the parasites as the eggs hatch out in cycles, much like flea eggs. WHen you are medicating your tank you will want to remove your filter Cartridge, so it does not remove the medication from the tank. Treat your tank for a full 7 days to catch the whole cycle of eggs hatching,,,, even if you dont see anymore visible eggs. After seven days you can do a partial water change and place a brand new filter cartridge into filter. ............... other notes: the eggs will hatch out at a faster rate in warmer water, like about 80degrees. THis is fine for all fish except Goldfish who prefer cooler temps and are likely to get mad fungal infections in the warm water. You can use salt to help with ick, ... Before actuall ick medications where discovered fish hobbiest used salt as a cure all for fish.... IF you want to use salt make sure it is aquarium salt, and dose according to instruction, most products recommend 1 rounded tablespoon per every 5 gallons. I would add 1 tablespoon each day for 4 days till you have added the 20 gallon amount of salt in. Reason being is that salt will change your water chemistry and if you toss it all in at once your already sick and weak fish might be shocked as your water changes. Salt will slightly raise your P.H. and will make your water hard. . Also Do not add salt if you have Angel fish, they do not do well with salt. Good luck

    • Re; ICKGo to the nearest pet store. There is a product you can add to your tank to keep the fish from getting ICK. You just add it to the tank. There are different brands, just look for the label "ICK"

    • Well first of all if you keep getting fish with ICK, stop buying them from that certain pet store. Altho ick can be caused by stress, it is not that common to continually get ick. When you first buy the fish do you allow the bag they come in to soak in your tank for about 15 minutes? This allows for the fish to slow adjust to the temperature of your tank. This helps reduce stress.To get rid of ICK:Go to Petsmart or a fish or pet store and purchase Rid-Ick or a similar med. Rid-ick works rather well tho.Also purchase aquarium salt for tropical fish. This is not the same at table salt or the salt used in salt water tanks.This helps reduce stress and helps with disease. ICK has a hard time surviving in water with salt.So the ick will hate it and the fish will love it.If you have some topical fish (not goldfish, or mollys or guppies, or platys) you can raise the water temperature to about 82 temporarily. ICk also has a hard tiem surviving in warm water.