What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears?

Recently, my dog has started scratching her face and her ears more than normal - this morning she scratched the end of one ear hard enough to make it bleed a bit. It's only her face and her ears which seem to itch more than usual.She has an appointment…

    What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears?

    Recently, my dog has started scratching her face and her ears more than normal - this morning she scratched the end of one ear hard enough to make it bleed a bit. It's only her face and her ears which seem to itch more than usual.She has an appointment…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears?...

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    • What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears?

      What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears? Other Pet Discussions
      Recently, my dog has started scratching her face and her ears more than normal - this morning she scratched the end of one ear hard enough to make it bleed a bit. It's only her face and her ears which seem to itch more than usual.She has an appointment for a check-up at the vet on Monday. But, does anyone know what might be causing so much itch?

      What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears?

      What could be causing my dog to have such itchy ears? Other Pet Discussions
    • He could have caught ear infection. My dog gets that once a year. Its really normal. Dog's with ears up get the infection more often than the dogs with ears down.

    • Could be an infection or mites, anything is possible, even a food allergy.Max had a similar problem a while ago and as it turns out he had a minor mite infestation in his left ear, it took a bit of alcohol for treatment to get rid of them, but after a week of treating it you'd never know he had them.

    • Ear mites would be causing that kind of problem. You might not be able to see them with the human eye, but they are tiny parasites that reside in the brown colored wax inside of the dogs ear. There are medications that you can buy over the counter to loosen the wax, after it is loosened you have to take a cloth and clean out as much of the wax that you possibly can. Do not use a Q-tip in the process of cleaning to insert into the ear canal. This process is what the vet may do, however, if you can do it yourself, and they won't have to sedate your pet you will save yourself some money. I clean my dogs ears myself. If you don't clean the pets ears the ear mites could cause an ear infection. When dogs scratch their ears and shake their head frequently this is a sign of ear mites.

    • Hello-I have two dogs with "floppy" ears and they are prone to yeast type ear infections. I think you are SUPER smart to get your pooch to the vet. They can take a test by swabbing out the inside of the ear and sending a sample to their lab (it only takes a few minutes and it's totally painless to your dog). I clean my dogs ears 2-3 times per week and it seems to help. I hope you found this information helpful and good luck with the vet!!

    • Could be ear mites, ticks, fleas, an infection?Get it checked out by a vet and get treatment.There are home methods .You can buy treatment for certain things but you will need to find out what she has first.The vet may cost a lot if you let them treat her. You might be able to treat her at home for cheaper. An infection however is a little different because that could be deadly..My best answer would be to take her to the vet and let them tell you whats wrong.Good luck & God bless!!