How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls?

I have four cats, three male and one female, who are two year old siblings. How do I get them to stop scratching the walls?Thank you for the suggestions. We do have two scratching posts and have used the sratching pads in the past, although they wear…

    How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls?

    I have four cats, three male and one female, who are two year old siblings. How do I get them to stop scratching the walls?Thank you for the suggestions. We do have two scratching posts and have used the sratching pads in the past, although they wear…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls?...

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    • How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls?

      How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls? Other Pet Discussions
      I have four cats, three male and one female, who are two year old siblings. How do I get them to stop scratching the walls?Thank you for the suggestions. We do have two scratching posts and have used the sratching pads in the past, although they wear them out quickly. I would never declaw my cats. I love them and wish them no pain. The wall in question is actually part of a pass through window between our living room and kitchen. They stand on the ledge and tear into the wood.

      How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls?

      How do I get my cats to stop scratching the walls? Other Pet Discussions
    • I assume declawing them is out of the question? As cruel as that sounds, that is what I would suggest. Sometimes it is just better for owner and pet to be happy. If they are to remain indoors, then this is a good solution, but if they go outside try something else.

    • spritz them with water whenever they do something bad. or put something on they like near the wall instead like a stratching post with some catnip on it. Thus they wont' be able to get to the wall and they'll have an alternative with a reward.

    • instead of declawing which is basically cutting off the cat's knuckle, i got my cat a tendonectomy(sp?) where they cut the tendon that makes the claw come out it's less stressfull on the cat, you still have to trim there nails but they can't make their claws come out

    • Do what I did declaw them if they are inside cats it is not as cruel as you think It works wonders and they only do it to the front paws At first I thought It was bad but after talking to the vet about it I felt better and nothing seemed to change for the cats but the scratching of the walls and furniture

    • DO NOT DECLAW. Paws come with claws. Declawing is cruel, heartless and selfish. Did you know it is illegal to declaw a cat throughout Europe? Listen, I have had 18 cats in my lifetime. Not a single one of them was declawed and not a single piece of my home was destroyed. The answer was in a cat tree. Cat trees are basically tall scratching posts with platforms that enable the cat to scratch, stretch, climb and perch up high--all critical natural behaviors of a cat. Declawing is the lazy and selfish way out and MANY declawed cats do not do fine at all. They develop chronic pain in their feet and legs and become constantly irritable. They also feel completely defenseless and resort to biting. Read this might make you cry but it reveals the truth about declawing. I was a vet tech for many years and I experienced this firsthand. me, get a cat tree/scratching post with sisal rope poles. Rub a bit of cat nip on the poles and introduce your kitties. They will be loving that cat tree and loving you for giving it to them. And they will have zero interest in your walls anymore. Good luck!

    • There are two things you can do to deal with this problem. 1) Get a scratching post or a scratch pad. Scratching posts are carpeted, scratch pads can be rubber tiles or wood. I use rubber tiles and put them in several locations. Take the cats paws and rub them on the tiles to put their smell on them. Most cats remember quickly. When they use the tiles, praise them. If you see them scratching anyplace else, pick them up and rub their paws on the scratch pad. 2) You need to keep the cats out of the room where they were scratching the walls until they get used to the scratch pads. Please do not declaw. Declawing is amputation of the first joint of every finger. Very painful and traumatic for the cat and completely unecessary.