How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies?

He eats his regular dry food, but he won't eat fruits of veggies. Even if I put them in his cage or hold them up to him he still won't. I tried sharing with him and showing him how much I like it but he won't! Please help!

    How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies?

    He eats his regular dry food, but he won't eat fruits of veggies. Even if I put them in his cage or hold them up to him he still won't. I tried sharing with him and showing him how much I like it but he won't! Please help!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies?...

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    • How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies?

      How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies? Other Pet Discussions
      He eats his regular dry food, but he won't eat fruits of veggies. Even if I put them in his cage or hold them up to him he still won't. I tried sharing with him and showing him how much I like it but he won't! Please help!

      How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies?

      How do I get my parakeet to eat fruits and veggies? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hi,I have had this problem with my cockatiel and I asked a vet, and he reccomended to me to make sure that they were in VERY small slices, bits, ect. Also you can try to put them on the ground and you pretend to eat it and then they usally will start eating it. That usally works because when they are in the wild they repeat things other birds do so if you get one bird to do it you can be sure that the other one will catch on soon. These are some of the words from my avian vet.Thanks,Enjoy Your Day.

    • You just need to be persistent. Keep putting fresh fruit and veg in everyday and eventually he will eat it. Try putting a little in with his regular food and he may end up trying some without realising.I use a fruit kabob stick, just hang some fruit on it and then he can bite at it as it swings, my African Grey loves to play with his as he eats.Just don't give up, be persistent!