How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water?

My Boxer is just over a year old. He is extremely energetic, loves to run and chase, jump around, etc. We're starting to get hot weather in New England so he becomes extremely warm after running around for only about 15 mins. He always has water…

    How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water?

    My Boxer is just over a year old. He is extremely energetic, loves to run and chase, jump around, etc. We're starting to get hot weather in New England so he becomes extremely warm after running around for only about 15 mins. He always has water…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water?...

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    • How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water?

      How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water? Other Pet Discussions
      My Boxer is just over a year old. He is extremely energetic, loves to run and chase, jump around, etc. We're starting to get hot weather in New England so he becomes extremely warm after running around for only about 15 mins. He always has water available but I'd like to get him to jump into the lake every now and then just to lower his body temp.I have tried to walk him in there or throw a ball, but he gets to the edge of the water and refuses to go any further. Anyone who has had similar problems have any ideas on how to get him to go in?

      How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water?

      How can I get my Boxer to swim and play in the water? Other Pet Discussions
    • run around in the water and have him chase you. maybe if he sees you get in the water and sees you enjoying it then he would want to try it also. all dogs can swim so I wouldn't worry about that. if you show him that you like it then maybe he'll want to get in the water also.

    • my boxer loves water too much. when we used to take her to the lake at the dog park (before i saw how many dogs were getting giardia) she would chase other dogs and balls in to the water. boxers are not meant to be swimmers and she is no exception. she would get too far out and start to go under until we had to go in and get her. so perhaps its a good thing he does not jump right in.

    • i live in miami so natraully we live in the water, my dog didnt like the water at first i just picked her up walked in and dropped her in and she loves it now the boy i did the same thing but i took him at a younger age and he likes it even more

    • I have a pair of boxers around that same age. We have an in ground pool, and they jump right in and swim around and play. Perhaps your dog is just afraid? He probably just needs to get use to it. If people are in the water swiming, he may want to join in the fun and will follow you all in? Good luck! Boxers are wonderful dogs.

    • Carry him out there, letting slowly get used to it he'll discover he can swim . let him go a little further each time. Soon he'll learn not to be afraid of it, but do it little by little.

    • I have a boxer-lab (a blab ;) He loves tennis balls more than anything in the world, but he would not fetch them from the water. I had to drag him in a couple of times, to prove to him that he could swim. I did it nicely, kind of drawing him out gradually, and I stayed right with him so he didn't get to anxious. We fetched the tennis ball a few times together.The next year, I had to teach him all over again, but it took fewer times. Now, he loves swimming.At the time, I assumed boxers are naturally afraid of water since they have that compressed snout that makes them snort all the time. But my dog might just be the nervous type. I know it's generally not cool to drag your dog, but in this case, I think he would thank me for it.