How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house?

I have a red heeler (10 months) and a black lab (about 5 months) both female. They know where to go outside but they have been going in our bedroom since we moved into our apartment. We have been having to put card board around our bedroom so its not on…

    How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house?

    I have a red heeler (10 months) and a black lab (about 5 months) both female. They know where to go outside but they have been going in our bedroom since we moved into our apartment. We have been having to put card board around our bedroom so its not on…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house?...

    • How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house?

      How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a red heeler (10 months) and a black lab (about 5 months) both female. They know where to go outside but they have been going in our bedroom since we moved into our apartment. We have been having to put card board around our bedroom so its not on the carpet. We can hardly leave home because we worry about them doing their business. How do I get them to stop? We take them out every hour. They just need to be trained or something. Whats the best way to train?

      How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house?

      How to get dogs to stop pooping and peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • if you see them do it grab them and put there nose in the poop or pee they will see that its badif they try to eat it then..... put washdisher sauce ( cant spell it ) in the food then when they poop it will taste bad

    • You need to get the book, "How to Housebreak Your Dog in Seven Days" written by Shirlee Kalstone. It sells for $7.99 plus shipping and you can buy it from here: http://www.dogwise.comThis is the BEST housebreaking book I have ever come across in my many years of dog owning, training, etc. It will work for your dogs, too.

    • Both of your dogs are smart dogs! They can be trained, going out every hour maybe too soon, try about every couple of hours. After they did their nature part, you'll need to let them know they did right by saying "Good Dog!" a few times. I would also take them out every time after you feed them. Dog crates (proper sizes) would help if you have to leave for a few hours. Sometimes they would show some stresses such as moving in a new place may be something. Try talking to your dogs vet and they can offer some suggestions to what your community has.

    • Why are they allowed free access when you aren’t there to supervise? They should be crated (individually) when left alone or confined to a small, dog-proofed room with a baby gate. The carpet which has been pottied upon needs to be cleaned with a product that removes all odor of pet urine so they can’t smell it anymore. White wine vinegar works also, but test it in a corner first. As long as they’re getting out first thing in the morning, a few minutes after each meal (5-month old should still be on three meals per day, older pup can be on 2 per day), and every four hours in between, they should be fine.

    • You need to train them, (Potty-train them) again. This time train them on the outside of the house. Take them on more walks. Take them to the park where they can not only have entertainment but will eventually have to go 'pooping and peeing' (learning where they are supposed to leave their potty-training) Don't punish them because they made a mess. Just softly explain to them that what they did wasn't right. It's like talking to a 3yr old. If you yell or get to upset with the child for something he/she did wrong, He/She won't listen as well anymore because they are to afraid of you.

    • Training a dog . of any age, to go outside is initially very time consuming. that is why so many don't get trained.A dog is a creature of habit.Whatever it does over and over again becomes a habit for the dog.So how do you make going outside a habit?You take it outside every hour until the dog starts showing you in some way that it wants to go outside.How long this takes depends on the dog.I take mine to the same spot outside where he smells the pee. I say '"hurry up" - or some cue wordNow, whenever I say ' Hurry up ", he goes.There may sometimes when dog comes in and pees - especially in the winter_ but you stick to the plan.The plan sometimes fails because owners are in too big a hurry to get inside.Walking fast down a block will also cause a dog to poo/pee.

    • I have 2 labradors who 'go' more than once a day...Yet they are very well trained, they have the dog door and they go as they pleased and it was very easy to train them!With my first lab, we were still not as experienced, and it took him a few month to be fully trained, but with the second, it took her about a week or two!Firstly, keep in mind that dogs can be trained to do almost anything, and the best way to teach them is with rewards rather than punishments or pain. There are 2 rewards that work effectively with dogs. That is food (treats) and good, loving attention. Dogs love them both.What we did was, we have a dog door and we trained them to go in and out by having one person sit outside and one in and then wave treats in front of them, making them have to go through the door to get it.Then, this is probably the hardest part, for a few nights we had them sleep in the laundry where the dog door was (or you could close off and area for them with their water and some sort of dog bedding like a large pillow and a dog mat) so that they could go out at night and would get used to it. The first few nights were hard as they cried a bit, but they'd settled down after about 3 nights. When they were fully trained we let sleep in with us...And while they sleep in the laundry, or where ever they are, every time they 'did something' in side we took them straight out and let them walk around, as well as taking them out ever half an hour or so and after meals. We did not hurt them, punished them or shove their face in what ever they left inside. But rewarded them with a treat and a lot of good attention when the did 'it' out side.And now they in and out as they please, day or night, and haven't pooped or peed in side since!Hope this helps and good luck!