How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop?

I have 2 rabbits and 1 dog. My dog is always eating the rabits poop since the cage is just beside her.

    How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop?

    I have 2 rabbits and 1 dog. My dog is always eating the rabits poop since the cage is just beside her....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop?...

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    • How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop?

      How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 2 rabbits and 1 dog. My dog is always eating the rabits poop since the cage is just beside her.

      How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop?

      How can I make my golden retriever stop eating my rabbits poop? Other Pet Discussions
    • get an empty soda can fill with about 30-40 pennys. Everytime your dog is about to eat some of that shake the can(2-3 times) at the dog and say NO! And eventually it will curb this problem.

    • If you start pooping outside the dog will find this more appetising and will start eating your poop. Then he will be so full he wont be able to eat the rabbits poop anymore.

    • Had a dog who did the same. Not bunny poop, dog poop. Tried everything to no avail. saw a vet who discovered animals who do that have a deficiency of vitamins released from their pancreas. They think they can get it from poo. (So yucky) I put my dog on vitamin supplements and it's been 5 years since he ate my other dog's poo! Good luck!

    • Feed the rabbits to the dog......LOL OK ... just kidding, sorry,but them rabbits are mighty good eating. Any way don't know how to stop him but it not likely to hurt him.

    • you should clean the rabbit's cage way ahead than your dog does..rabbit poo is round and dry right? get a cage where the "flooring" (i dunno what's it called)is like screen where the holes are big enough for the dung to pass through and under it is a container for the's kind of like a bird's cage but at least it'll keep the dog from eating reason why dog's do that is they think they have vitamin deficiency so maybe bring your dog to the vet and get the necessary vitamins..

    • If your retriever is eating rabbits poop,hers has gotten a taste of the poop and it's going to be hard to break her...One thing,you need to place her away from the cage and you need to buy a bottle of sour apple spray,dogs hate the taste(you can get it at any feeding store)Next spray the rabbit poop with the sour apple and your dog will hate it and it will take 2 to 3 times before breaking her of her poop habit...Believe me it will work,just follow what i have just told you,you will be a much happer pet owner... Clowmy