How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do?

I'm just wondering because i have seen alot of talk on here about it and was curious. A friend of mine needs to get their puppy to the vet and they are kind of strapped on money so i thought i would ask so i can let them no.Awesome thank you i will let…

    How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do?

    I'm just wondering because i have seen alot of talk on here about it and was curious. A friend of mine needs to get their puppy to the vet and they are kind of strapped on money so i thought i would ask so i can let them no.Awesome thank you i will let…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do?...

    • How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do?

      How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm just wondering because i have seen alot of talk on here about it and was curious. A friend of mine needs to get their puppy to the vet and they are kind of strapped on money so i thought i would ask so i can let them no.Awesome thank you i will let them no, they were really worried about getting their pup to his check up this year.

      How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do?

      How do you apply for the Care credit credit card is it something u have to go to your vet to do? Other Pet Discussions
    • Just go to the website and call the 800 number. You can apply and get approved all in one phone call and go to the vet the same day with the numbers they give you that will be on your permanent card. You need to estimate how much money you will need for your vet visit and give them that estimate. Good luck.

    • You can apply online, but getting care credit will only help you if your veterinarian is signed up with them as well. As it costs the veterinarian to sign up for their service (an not just a little bit), there are many veterinarians who are not enrolled in the Care Credit plan.