What is the difference between a male and a female chick?

I have 5 Baby chicks and i dont know if they are female or male can you help me please

    What is the difference between a male and a female chick?

    I have 5 Baby chicks and i dont know if they are female or male can you help me please...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the difference between a male and a female chick?...

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    • What is the difference between a male and a female chick?

      What is the difference between a male and a female chick? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 5 Baby chicks and i dont know if they are female or male can you help me please

      What is the difference between a male and a female chick?

      What is the difference between a male and a female chick? Other Pet Discussions
    • Actually, there are two ways to tell. The first is the more well known of the two ways, and that is to look at the comb size. The roosters will have a slightly larger comb. The second was told to me by an old chicken breeder that had raised Silky chickens for 40 some years. Silkies are harder to identify because their combs are pretty much identical on males and females. I know this may sound gross and you may think I'm kidding (but I'm not), but the second way is too look at their butthole. The males will have more of a circular shaped butthole, where the females will look like the top of their butthole is more shaped like an upside down V. Crazy as it sounds, the butthole test works 100% of the time when you can't tell by the comb and you can basically tell from day 1 what sex the chicken is.