How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night?

He is used to going outside, but when he does he comes home all banged up. So now we have to keep him indoors.

    How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night?

    He is used to going outside, but when he does he comes home all banged up. So now we have to keep him indoors....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night?...

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    • How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night?

      How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night? Other Pet Discussions
      He is used to going outside, but when he does he comes home all banged up. So now we have to keep him indoors.

      How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night?

      How do you get a cat to stop meowing all hours of the night? Other Pet Discussions
    • It depends on why it's meowing all night. Is he/she calling for a mate? Spay or neuter.Is he/she bored or lonely? Provide more attention during the day and evening.Is he/she sleeping all day and ready to play all night? More play during waking hours.

    • A cat’s voice is actually as individual as any human’s. You may own a cat that hardly ever makes a peep or you may have an extremely talkative feline. Different breeds will have different sounding meows as well.The most common sort of meow is a cat’s plaintive cry for attention. Context can do a lot to help determine why your cat is meowing. If she’s walking back and forth in the kitchen she probably wants food. If your cat is meowing when you’ve just come home she is probably just glad to see you and wants to be stroked or picked up.The welcome meow, particularly when repeated consistently, is also related to mating. A cat in heat will meow constantly to advertise her availability to males. In some cats this can develop into prolonged wailing at all hours, day and night. Excessive cat meowing is often caused because the cat has learnt that this gets them what they want, a bit like a child who learns to cry when they want something. This can become a bit of a habit and the cat starts to do it more and more. Usually this can be quite cute, however if it starts to happen all night long or is driving you crazy during the day, then it’s time to break the habit. The first step is to ignore their cries. They are used to getting what they want when they meow, so only give them their food etc when they are quiet. Follow this up with lots of attention when they are quiet and none when they are noisy. If she meows a lot during the night, keep her in another room or wear earplugs until she realizes that you aren’t going to get up and give her attention during the night any more.Do not shout or scold your pet when cat meowing because they are trying to get you to do something and they see this as attention, which is GOOD. If this cat behavoir persists then you may have to resort to squirting a little water at them when they are noisy. This does not hurt them and they soon learn that being noisy equals a water shower and stop the excessive cat meowing. This can be particularly useful for cats that meow throughout the night for attention.

    • My cat usually did this and it was because she wanted to go outside or in the dining room.I would always let her go out till one day she never returned. Avoid letting the cat out during dark hours cars people have a tendency to not look out whats in the road while driving during dark hours

    • You need to give more info with your question.Whether a male or female Is it fixed? If it's not it could be calling for mating.If it's fixed them it has something bothering him/hermaybe its hungry or has some kind of pain.If it's old it could have arthritis and if the weather iscold it can be having pain and needs to be warmed up..Make sure there's food and water available alwaysand see if it changes his behavior some diseases like diabetes changes a pet need for food or water. This cat is in distress no doubt one way or another. The meowing all hours this is something new and is desperately trying to get you to help him. Love your pet, enough to pay close attention get hold of it and pass your hands overs it's body see if you can feel any bump or a hot spot thats swollen,He could have been bitten by an spider, scorpion or even a Snake if he goes outside. When you run our hand gently through the fur pay attention to his reaction to see if there is any sensitive spot and if you see him pull away or stiffen as you touch. as the wheater gets cold critters come inside and cats are curious.Look around to see if you can find any dead bug. investigate to see if you can find anything that could have harmed him.Have you seen him using the litter lately? You see your pet is like a child before it talks. You need to observe it for clues of what is wrong, and it's very important to know if hes regular, or have diarrhea, I know it's gross but you have to watch once in awhile. When they have a problem they can only call your attention negatively and that is a fact.If he starts to do things you find cute you play a little and thenyou go your way taking care of your needs,you wont give him a second look right?when one of my cat's start to cross my pathway and make me trip despite the fear of me yelling at him he's desperately trying to call my attention. And sometimes it does not happen very easily.So he comes and squats in front of me on my carpet and try to pee so I can see his not able to, he has a blockage due to calcium Christal's in his urinary track, and have him not done thatI would never know until it was to late to help him.From that day on Once a week I force myself and watch what is coming out of him. We are both happier I am saving money becauseemergency care for cat's is outrageous expensive and he get the care he needs, to end his pain.