How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home?

I have picked one and it's 5 weeks old. The breeder is happy for me to take it as the mother is not bothered with her pups anymore and they are eating wheatabix and milk.

    How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home?

    I have picked one and it's 5 weeks old. The breeder is happy for me to take it as the mother is not bothered with her pups anymore and they are eating wheatabix and milk....
    Other Pet Discussions : How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home?...

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    • How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home?

      How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home? Other Pet Discussions
      I have picked one and it's 5 weeks old. The breeder is happy for me to take it as the mother is not bothered with her pups anymore and they are eating wheatabix and milk.

      How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home?

      How old do Springer Spaniels pups have to be before you take them home? Other Pet Discussions
    • Any good breeder would not ween puppies so early. The puppies should stay with their mother until 8 weeks. That is the minimum age reputable breeders separate the mother from her puppies. If you take the puppy home earlier than that you could have a dog with severe anxiety, it was weened too early and could have health problems (like allergies and malnutrition), and could be prone to aggression.

    • 8 weeks bare minimum. The breeder should care for it until that time and it needs exposure and socialization with its littermates even if the mom has rejected them. And the breeder in this case is not feeding them properly.

    • 8 Weeks, but see if you can visit during the 7th week. It's the best time for bonding and training.I let new homes visit and get to know their pups when they're able and I'm happy with the way that works.No breeder should ever allow you to take a 5 week old pups home unless it is orphaned.Depending on the state it is the law to keep them until they are 8 weeks. I'm in California, but there are a lot of states that have passed this.

    • Puppies go through quite a few phases of developement. one is bite inhibition training which they learn from their moms and being together. at 8 weeks this is really really really beneficial. So if you can wait until the 8th to 10th week it is best. Also you are going to want to prevent parvo so make sure the shots are given on time and hopefully by vet to make sure its done right (although many breeders do it themselves without problem) . If the breeder gives a shot at 6-7 weeks for parvo (since they are weaned already it might be better to do sooner) then waits for second shot at 8-9 then the anitbodies are fairly well built up 2 weeks after the second shot. that would put it at about 10 weeks. I usually allow them to go at 8 weeks with VERY VERY strict insturctions to families that are experienced adn have other dogs to help teach them rules. read my blog the archives about housebreaking and parvo adn then.. google from it about bite inhibition. Use your extra week or two for getting really really geared up.