How should I introduce my cats to each other?

I just got a baby kitten that is about two weeks ago that is about a month old. I also have another full grown cat. I've tried to introduce them to each other, but I'm afraid the older cat will hurt the kitten. Any suggestions on what to do?

    How should I introduce my cats to each other?

    I just got a baby kitten that is about two weeks ago that is about a month old. I also have another full grown cat. I've tried to introduce them to each other, but I'm afraid the older cat will hurt the kitten. Any suggestions on what to do?...
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    • How should I introduce my cats to each other?

      How should I introduce my cats to each other? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got a baby kitten that is about two weeks ago that is about a month old. I also have another full grown cat. I've tried to introduce them to each other, but I'm afraid the older cat will hurt the kitten. Any suggestions on what to do?

      How should I introduce my cats to each other?

      How should I introduce my cats to each other? Other Pet Discussions
    • I would deffiently wait to the kitten was about 6 months old because we don't want the kitten getting hurt. And when they do meet, have them look through a window first, then being held by you and someone else, then when they don't want to kill each other, they can meet face-to-face.

    • Your baby kitten is only a month old? Is he/she weaned off his/her mother yet? If not, you might want to take her back to his/her mom! If it's a stray, just ignore this suggestion :)Anyway, I would wait awhile before introducing them if the kitten is still really little. You can prep in the meanwhile. Give a toy to your kitten and have them play with it. After, trade toys with your kitten and cat so they can start getting used to their smells. You can also rub your kitten's cheeks with a soft cloth (this is where their pheromones are) and then rub that cloth where your older cat regularly goes. This is again for getting your cat used to your kitten's smells.Your next step is to put them on separate sides of a door. Feed them treats when doing this! This gets your cats to associate each others' smells with a positive attitude. If this goes well, try putting your kitten in a pet taxi and letting them see each other and sniff around, without the potential of harming one another.If this all goes well, get ready for a supervised first meet without doors or pet taxis! Try to have you and another person there in case things don't turn out so well.Just remember, your old cat is not going to like the new kitten. There might be hissing involved! Just don't try to rush things along, as this may cause stress (which can lead to diarrhea in your kitten) or bad behavior (your cat might try to act out or pee in places other than the litter box). But they will get used to each other! Good luck!

    • Since the kitten is so small, I would wait until it is a little older, because even if they do get along right away, playtime can get rough. Just start getting the adult used to the smell of the new kitten, put bedding and other things around her. Then you can always introduce them for short times to get them used to seeing one another, hold the kitten up and eventually let them walk around and meet each other. You should keep your kitten in a room like a bathroom for now so he doesn't hurt himself, being so tiny. Don't worry too much, just slowly get them used to each other. I did the same thing last year, and though there was and sometimes is still hissing, my cats have never hurt each other.

    • i suggest maybe letting them smell each other through a door and after that i would put the kitten in a cage and the other one out so it can go to cage and see the kitten...i wouldnt suggest holding any of them because you actually could get hurt...some cats are too territorial that they will attack anything because their senses are higtened and they get confused....if the other cat seems ok then maybe putting it on a leash while the kitten runs around i mean the other cat might still jump at it but thats just for the kitten to know who is in charge there and the kitten will probably go into a submissive stance laying on its back with paws up! hope that helps!

    • This is what I did when I got my kitten and had to introduce it to my older cat.Bring the kitten in a small kennel/cage and set it on the floorLet the older cat sniff the kitten but make sure you are there to watchAfter they have had a good sniffing time let the kitten out and hold it in your handsThey will sniff each other and get to know each others scentLet the kitten walk around and watch to see what the older cat doesIf the older cat is a girl than the she might actually "mother" it and take care of itIf the older cat is a boy than he might just try to play with itRemember sometimes they will become friends right away and sometimes they won'tFeed them in seperate food dishes and give them both equal attention because jelausy is what makes them mad.Good luck