Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home?

I have a special room in my home for him. I deisgned an inside swamp for him. Where is the best place to find the best of alligators?

    Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home?

    I have a special room in my home for him. I deisgned an inside swamp for him. Where is the best place to find the best of alligators?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home?...

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    • Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home?

      Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a special room in my home for him. I deisgned an inside swamp for him. Where is the best place to find the best of alligators?

      Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home?

      Where can a person buy a pet alligator for their home? Other Pet Discussions
    • first of all-why do u want to bring a carnivorous animal into your home that only thinks of killing and eating you? gators do not belong in your living room-they belong in swamps free to hunt and kill and eat

    • What are you thinking! Not only are they illegal but there is no way you have a room large enough to house a alligator, if you did any research at all you would know that at adult size you could never keep this animal in your house. How do you plan to filter the water? I don't think you could even buy a large enough filter to clean the gallons you will need. What do you plan to do about lighting? Without proper lighting the reptile will not be able to digest their food and will stop eating. Finally how would you like to be kept in a room that you aren't even able to turn around in,or never be able to smell fresh air and bath in the sun. All you are doing is spending alot of money on a animal you shouldn't have a sentencing it to a early death.

    • Provided that it is legal in your area to own exotics, and that you have done the appropriate research ahead of time (hint hint), your best place for more information would be a local Herp club. If there are no local club or associations, look online for for larger ones. Also talk to reputable reptile rescues and even breeders (I like http://www.newenglandreptile.com/ but there are many out there). Thoroughly think it over, and talk with more people than you think is truly necessary. Look into the sizes and requirements, feeding and veterinary care (remember, an exotic pet will cost more to care for than a more popular pet). Be absolutely sure that you are willing to commit to this kind of pet, as they are not easy to rehome.

    • my friend did this and he was disappointed, Don't do it... they are so boring as pets, They just lay underneath the heat lamp all day long. You can't play with them cuz they'll bite at ur nose... they suck as pets - boring!

    • First off alligators are NOT endangered...buy a clue.There are over a milllion of them just in Louisiana and Florida alone.Whilst I would agree they don't make great pets,I wouldn't agree they are impossible to keep.Depending on the state/city you live in,they can be illegal.They can grow to 14 feet in captivity and require A LOT of food to get that big.Thier habitat can and is replicated in doors.Serpitariums/zoos do it all the time.Albeit the lighting would cost you a mint.I raise reptiles and can tell you about cost ...LOL! The cost of the light as well as the electricity to run it.Alligators can be tamed by constant handling which is time consuming.They are always wild and as such can't be trusted.That being said if you can and will get one,I would recommend Reptileauction.com or kingsnake.com....That is where I bought mine. FYI it is not illegal where I live to have one and I have an enclosure for it that includes outside sunning decks.As I have tons of reptiles,I can afford to feed it.Anyone that passes on a meal ....I just take the food item to the 2 garbage disposals(LOL) the gator and the snapping turtle.I use some of the reptiles(including the gator) for educating school children about habitat destruction and the environment. As you can imagine the ooooooooooooo factor is HIGH!I would also recommend the smaller caimen instead of an alligator.I do rescues and see a lot of them available.Knowledge is the key,research it fully and make an informed decision.