How do you know when to let the family pet go?

He's 14 years old. He has lost lots of weight, can't hold himself up.I believe he had a stroke, seems to be disoriented at times. I don't believe he is in pain. He has some incontinence.

    How do you know when to let the family pet go?

    He's 14 years old. He has lost lots of weight, can't hold himself up.I believe he had a stroke, seems to be disoriented at times. I don't believe he is in pain. He has some incontinence....
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    • How do you know when to let the family pet go?

      How do you know when to let the family pet go? Other Pet Discussions
      He's 14 years old. He has lost lots of weight, can't hold himself up.I believe he had a stroke, seems to be disoriented at times. I don't believe he is in pain. He has some incontinence.

      How do you know when to let the family pet go?

      How do you know when to let the family pet go? Other Pet Discussions
    • If he can not hold himself up anymore it's probably time to let him go. I know when that happened to one of my dogs it was because she had a brain tumor. But there is a possibility that the dog has an inner ear infection which is why it can't stand.

    • If the dog is in a visable amount of pain and they only way for him to be free of the pain is to put him to sleep, then you should do that. He will be in a better place and you had a looong and happy time with him!! Good luck

    • It is time to let go when you aren't enjoying him anymore and do not feel like giving him adequate care. If you will keep loving him to the end, then you need to let go when it becomes painful for him to live normally. You are going to have to do it sometime.

    • I think you know in your heart whether there is any quality of life in your animal. It's not fair to keep them around simply because it's easier on you emotionally. If you love the animal, you need to do what is best for them. Cry your tears, but remember all the joy he brought into your world, and look at his condition at the moment, your heart will lead you to the right decision.

    • I know how you feel. I lost my Akita two weeks ago and she was 13. I also had to put down my other Akita last year and he was 11. He had a bad case of arthritis and since he couldn't bend his rear legs he would poop all over the place and it go to be where he couldn't not control them.14 years... your poopie has lived a good long life, but I know it will be hard to put him/her down, but do it for the pet. Sometimes they suffer quietly and don't let us know their pain. Take care....

    • You already know. When he has more bad days than good. When he can't eat or enjoy himself at all. When he's in pain. That's when I say goodbye - even though it hurts like hell. Sorry about your pal. Remember the good times you had together.

    • I guess at this point it's for you to decide when you are ready to let him go. Ask yourself some questions, like is he still eating and drinking? Is he disoriented to the point of not knowing who you are at times? Can he get around at all? Is his quality of life still good? Can you stand to see him in that kind of shape?The things I learned about pets is they really tell you when it's time to go. I mean watch for signs that he quits eating and drinking. That's a sign that he is in pain and not feeling good. When that happens I would say the minute you are ready and can say goodbye, do it.I'm sorry for what you are going through, I know it's tough

    • Just follow your heart. If he isn't enjoying eating, drinking, and wagging his tail, he isn't enjoying life.There is no right or wrong time. Just do what seems best for your friend, and be at peace with your descision.Perhaps this will be of help:May I go nowDon't you think the time is right?May I say good-bye to pain-filled daysand endless lonely nights?I've lived my life and done my best,an example tried to be,So can I take that step beyondand set my spirit free?I didn't want to go at first.I fought with all my might!But something seems to draw me nowto a warm and loving light.I want to go! I really do!It's difficult to stay.But I will try as best I canto live just one more day .To give you time to care for meand share your love and fears.I know you're sad and are afraidbecause I see your tears.I'll not be far, I promise that,and hope you'll always knowthat my spirit will be close to youwherever you may go.Thank you so for loving me.You know I loved you too.That's why it's hard to say good-byeand end this life with you.So hold me now, just one more time,and let me hear you say,because you care so much for me,you'll let me go today.Copyright © Susan A. JacksonWritten for a beloved pet and friend.

    • whether or not he is in pain physicaly or not is not the question. if he cant do what other dogs can do and he is old, 14 is old. then he might be verry depressed and that is another type of pain, i used to work with an animal clinic and that is one of the main reasons why i quit. putting animals to sleep is the hardest thing to do and for me to have to do it on a regular basis i could not handle it. but honestly it is time for him to be put to sleep, he is miserable and deserves to be put to rest and not hurt anymore. it is the best thing you can do realy.

    • This is very sensitive and as a former dog owner and dog lover, simply when your vet gives you information and your instinct tells you it's time. Three weeks ago our beautiful dog was put down and every day I miss him. You never know how much you'll miss your pet until they are gone and I'm still in disbelief. Only you and your vet can help determine this. Look to your love of your pet and also look to your pet and advice from the vet. Good Luck!