What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog?

I have a 1 and a half year old American Eskimo. He's really friendly and happy all the time. Is he too old to get neutered? If not, will he change?

    What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog?

    I have a 1 and a half year old American Eskimo. He's really friendly and happy all the time. Is he too old to get neutered? If not, will he change?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog?...

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    • What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog?

      What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 1 and a half year old American Eskimo. He's really friendly and happy all the time. Is he too old to get neutered? If not, will he change?

      What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog?

      What are the possible side effects of neutering your dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • They say a pet is never too old to get neutered but it would've been better to be done as a puppy. Some say pets grow fat but if you exercise the dog it shouldn't be a problem. I believe you are being a responsible owner. Don't worry about it.

    • He'll be down and depressed for a little while after he gets neutered, but he won't be psychologically changed permanantly... of course, the physical "change" will keep him away from the girl dogs.

    • No more puppies.Seriously, the most common is a change in urination habits. My dog regressed and became un-house trained after the procedure. Be on the look out for bleeding, either around the surgery site, or in the urine. That might mean you need to go back to the vet to ave them double check. Otherwsie, pay attention to your dog's need to go, and be sure to spend time with them, as they are such social animals.Oh, and by the way, they may freak out whenever you go back to that vet. Wouldn't you? We took our second dog to a different vet for that and have no problems taking him to our regular vet. Our beagle is a different matter.....

    • he won't be able to produce offspring, it will lower his chance of developing cancer, and his life expectancy will be longer. Oh wait . . . those are the benefits! When you do have him nuetered, make sure to have him wear an E-collar until the site is healed, because if he licks at the surgical site it could cause an ugly infection.

    • First off i definitely recommend you have him neutered. Hell stop marking as much, most dogs become friendlier, somewhat less energetic. Overall worst case scenario is the vet is in a hurry and doesnt sew it up right and you end up with a hernia, in my year and half experience ive only seen that happen once, and it was today haha. But def. get it neutered, and id also recommend having it done with a laser, since during and post surgery pain will be significantly less, since the laser kills the nerve endings, also it results in less bleeding by cauterizing the veins, lowering the risk of infection, not to mention the incision is cleaner and heals much easier, and it wont bother your dog as much, maybe causing him to pull his stitches out. Hope that helped.