What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom?

I just bought two Shubunkin goldfish on June 25th and they are both swimming very close to each other and the pebbles on the bottom. One is a male and the other is a female. What does this mean?!

    What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom?

    I just bought two Shubunkin goldfish on June 25th and they are both swimming very close to each other and the pebbles on the bottom. One is a male and the other is a female. What does this mean?!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom?...

    • What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom?

      What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom? Other Pet Discussions
      I just bought two Shubunkin goldfish on June 25th and they are both swimming very close to each other and the pebbles on the bottom. One is a male and the other is a female. What does this mean?!

      What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom?

      What does it mean when your goldfish are swimming close to the bottom? Other Pet Discussions
    • it's not about the top or bottom, it;s about the way .. they swim !! if they are non chalent, or rather lousy... there is somthin worng.. if only one chap is at the bottom and rest appear alright, then i guess, this one would die soon. if they all are doing the same, good chance that, they are talking with each other ..... I had one pair of gold fish in the tank for a while and when i added oone more pair...... almost instantly they went to the bottom corner and talked .. god knows what for almost 10 mins !! later all were found to be swiming in normal fashion !!

    • Because Shubunkin goldfish are scavengers. With these in your tank there is no need to add any more bottom feeders. As long as all your levels and temp are fine plus they are swimming correctly you should be good. Recommended temperatures for Goldfish is 65°-72° F.

    • If your goldfish is laying at the bottom the water needs changed! SOON!Do you have a tester kit? If not you need to buy one. Test the water and according to the readings any GOOD pet shop will be able to tell you the appropriate steps to take to correct the problem. True they are scavengers but the are moving while the scavenge. Not just laying there .