How long does it take till parvo dies?

I hade a dog that did not make it through parvo. We are thinking on getting another one. How long should I wait until parvo is dead and out of my house.

    How long does it take till parvo dies?

    I hade a dog that did not make it through parvo. We are thinking on getting another one. How long should I wait until parvo is dead and out of my house....
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take till parvo dies?...

    • How long does it take till parvo dies?

      How long does it take till parvo dies? Other Pet Discussions
      I hade a dog that did not make it through parvo. We are thinking on getting another one. How long should I wait until parvo is dead and out of my house.

      How long does it take till parvo dies?

      How long does it take till parvo dies? Other Pet Discussions
    • Parvo is transmitted from dog to dog or by there feces. Make sure your yard is clean then Get a dog and get it the necessary shots. If your dog gets parvo it is treatable.

    • Parvo isn't in your house...its a disease that dog's catch. They way to prevent your dog from catching the Parvo to keep him/her up to date on the DHLP_PV Vaccine. Just take your dog to the vet and keep up on her vet appointments...just like you would do for your children. And you should have a happy pet! good luck

    • Here are some basics but check with your vets office for more percise help. Parvovirus can persist in the environment for long periods. ( 6 months or more) It is important to clean up after an infection. Washing the animal's area with bleach and water in a 1:30 dilution will kill the virus. The bowls should be thrown away and the bedding either bleached or thrown away to prevent further spread of the infection. Discard all feces from the infected dog. Humans can also spread the disease on their hands if they touch feces from an infected dog and then touch a puppy without washing properly. Very small amounts of fecal material on the dog's coat can contain large numbers of viral organisms and can easily be transmitted to a susceptible dog.If you have had parvo in your home, use a strong bleach/water solution to kill it. Soak the yard with it -- better to kill the grass than your next dog! Be careful using it on carpets and fabrics, though. Parvo can live up to 6 months or so in your home or yard.

    • It can last 6 months or more,so here the best thing to do before you bring another pup or dog into your home.Your Vet can draw some blood and do what is called a titre test on a new dog.This test allows him to see how high the resistance of your new pup or dog would be to the parvo virus.

    • dogs get parvo from the disease it is liquid and clear just like water. contrary to popular belief dog can not ONLY get it from other dogs but can get it from anywhere the other dog has been. this is because of the mucus and bodily fluids leaked from the body.NO this is not bullshit i am in college now to be a vet. you should clean you house top to bottom with antibactirial or bleach. then after you do so you can get another dog