How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden?

As we moved to our home over two years ago, since moving she hates going out as there are so many othre cats in the area. We now have a problem of all cats come in the garden to mark their smell. It is killing the plants and seems unhealthy to let our…

    How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden?

    As we moved to our home over two years ago, since moving she hates going out as there are so many othre cats in the area. We now have a problem of all cats come in the garden to mark their smell. It is killing the plants and seems unhealthy to let our…...
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    • How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden?

      How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden? Other Pet Discussions
      As we moved to our home over two years ago, since moving she hates going out as there are so many othre cats in the area. We now have a problem of all cats come in the garden to mark their smell. It is killing the plants and seems unhealthy to let our little girl out to play.

      How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden?

      How can i get the cat not to go to toilet in the garden? Other Pet Discussions
    • Plant hot peppers.Also create a mix of cayenne pepper, garlic, and anti-bacterial hand soap. Put it in a hose sprayer and spray your entire garden. It will be diluted enough so you won't be able to smell it, but it will drive cats, deer, and insects nuts and they will stay away.The soap will kill mold and other fungi' as well as help the garlic and cayenne to stick to the plants.You can also boil some chewing tobacco and put the water in with the mix. This will add nicotine to the mix and KILL bugs.

    • You can also buy a jar of hot pepper (in the herb section of your supermarket) and sprinkle it liberally where you believe the cat walks - when they discover it on their feet, they hate it, and hopefully won't return. If you're in the right place at the right time, a spray of water from the hose, or a jug of water thrown at the cat, also won't injure it, but will ensure it never returns - cats hate water, of course.Please don't use double sided tape - if it gets into the environment, it could stick on and injure who knows how many innocent wild animals, including wild birds and mammals.

    • Orange peels and lemon peels . Cats hate the smell of citrus and the peels make great fertilizer for the plants. A decorative fence around the plants might help too, along with the citrus peels. Another idea is a puppy. I have 3 dogs and two cats. my dogs take care of our cats but any other cat that steps into our yard is lunch. I have Dobermans.

    • You could try pouring blood meal around the outer eadge of your garden, you find it at most graineries. The animals smell blood and it scares them off, works on domestic animals as well as rabbits and deer. It is also a good fertilizer.

    • While Citrus oils, cayenne pepper and such will keep cats out of your garden, unfortunately you have to keep applying it every time it rains. The best thing I've found is Coco Bean Mulch. A left over product from coco bean production, it smells like chocolate. It is very light, but when you put it down, and wet it, it forms a mat that is difficult for weeds to get through (a harmless fungus grows through it and increases the mat effect). In addition, every cat that has ever visited my gardens since I put it down hates the smell and the texture and stay away. I had some cats that seemed to like leaving deposits in my grass, but I crushed some of the shells, and spread the dust over the grass where it settled down and was invisible, and cats no longer even come into the garden. It seems to work for a long time; I haven't put any new mulch down for a year. My daughter uses it, and her cat only stays in the garden long enough to go in and out the door.Unfortunately you do have to keep dogs away from it, as they like the smell and will eat it, and in large amounts, it is poisonous to them, just like chocolate is.