How old should male labs be before they are neutered?

I have 2 lab puppies and I read that if you get them fixed before about 10-11 months that their physical features common to labs ( large blocky heads and broad chest) won't develop as well. Is it true?Also, where I read that fact it said something about…

    How old should male labs be before they are neutered?

    I have 2 lab puppies and I read that if you get them fixed before about 10-11 months that their physical features common to labs ( large blocky heads and broad chest) won't develop as well. Is it true?Also, where I read that fact it said something about…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How old should male labs be before they are neutered?...

    • How old should male labs be before they are neutered?

      How old should male labs be before they are neutered? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 2 lab puppies and I read that if you get them fixed before about 10-11 months that their physical features common to labs ( large blocky heads and broad chest) won't develop as well. Is it true?Also, where I read that fact it said something about how they wouldn't develop as well because of less male hormones....I wasn't too sure about that either. Any idea?

      How old should male labs be before they are neutered?

      How old should male labs be before they are neutered? Other Pet Discussions
    • I dont think this is necessarily true, how big they get will depend on their genetics, mom and dad, i neuter all my animals that are male of coarse at around 6-7mon. be better for them in the long run.

    • No its not i have 3 labs and i neutered Oscar when he was 11 months old.Nothings wrong with him.But have him neutered at about 6 to 7 months thats the best age.Hope this helps.

    • around six months. any earlier and problems are more common. much later and problems are common. like another answerer said, features are dependent on inherited genetics.