When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk?

I have two kittens that I just took away from thier mom and now I'm trying to get them to regular life. I need help.

    When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk?

    I have two kittens that I just took away from thier mom and now I'm trying to get them to regular life. I need help....
    Other Pet Discussions : When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk?...

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    • When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk?

      When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two kittens that I just took away from thier mom and now I'm trying to get them to regular life. I need help.

      When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk?

      When and how is the best way to get a kitten to feed on cat food or milk? Other Pet Discussions
    • Actually if the Mother Cat is still arouns she will quit nursing them herself...but if she's not around..DO NOT FEED the kitten regular milk. Try some evaporated milk...not A LOT though(will give the kitten runs), and try sort kitten food at about 8 weeks old.

    • Introduce them to soft food and water. No milk! It will give them diarhea. Then introduce hard food, preferable one formulated for kittens. If they are at least 4-6 weeks old, they should be fine. If they are younger, it will be risky. Good luck.

    • Always use a good quality kitten food. Get some kitten milk from the store and mix that with the hard food. It is quite pricey and goes bad after a few days. If you don't want to get the milk then just use warm water in the hard food. It will turn mushy and they should eat that. It is quite cute because they can get quite messy.

    • Kittens need milk from their mother or a supplement that you can get at the pet store unitl about 8 weeks! They sell and you can feed the Kitten with little bottles that they also sell at the pet store. After that start your kitty on a nice varied diet of kitten food! gl and enjoy your little cuties!

    • Kittens are not supposed to drink milk unless it is from their mother. They should eat cat food when they are close to a year old or when they stop nursing off of their mother.p.s. regular milk gives cats and kittens diarrhea

    • wean them- from liquid to milk, make their food a mix of liquid and solids, u can start feeding them solids from 5 weeks they r ok from about that time. give them goat milk or kitten milk dont give them cows milk. hope u make a great cat owner!! good luck...

    • how old are they? if they are under four weeks- take them back to momma!! otherwise, skip the milk- its bad for cats. you could try adding a little water to canned kitten food to make it soupy- heating it A LITTLE BIT might help. if they still refuse to eat, go to the pet store and get cat milk replacement and a bottle. its kind of expensive, but you took these little cats, now you must be responsible!! good luck