How many times do I have to take my dog out?

I don't have a dog yet, but i am planning on getting one. so i was just wondering how many times a day I would have to take it would he let me know when he has to go?

    How many times do I have to take my dog out?

    I don't have a dog yet, but i am planning on getting one. so i was just wondering how many times a day I would have to take it would he let me know when he has to go?...
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    • The first thing to know is if you are getting a puppy or an adult dog? If you are getting a puppy and you will be home with him 24/7, then you will want to automatically take him out after he eats, plays, sleeps, and I mean out immediately after any of these activies, and inbetween the activities also. Remember a puppies kidneys aren't very big, so they cannot hold it as long as an adult dog can. The other thing you want to really consider weather you are home or working is, kennel/crate training. I use to think this was crewl for the dog. It's not. This is a way in which to let the pup have his very own space. Dogs in the wild will sleep in a dug hole, or den like space if they can find it. This same instinct is in a pup as well. You will want to start slowly introducing your pup to his new kennel. Let him wander in and out of it on his own; you can even give him a kibble when he goes in on his own. If you think you might be interested in getting a kennel, you can go online and research it or go to a bookstore and find the information. If you are getting an adult dog, you will have to watch him to see what his needs are, and again you can teach him to be kenneled also.

    • it depends on1. If the dog has his shots2. the breed3. how often you play with itit he doesnt have his shots than do NOT take him out until he does.Larger breeds usually need one in the morning and one at night (or after each meal) to let them "take care of business. Smaller breeds can live on at least one but more than that wont hurt in the least.Also if you play with it a lot at home than it will get excersise from that but still should get some fresh air at least once every day.

    • Provided your dogs in good health , you can leave your dog about 1 hour per month old, in the house, of course after your dog reaches about 9 months you would not follow that rule of thumb.Your dog needs to go out about 3 times a day to accommodate its needs to urinate and defecate.At least this has worked for me and all my dogs for years, no problems so far.

    • well if your getting a puppy, then a lot, and you will have to go through a lot of training it pending on what kind. but if its around 1 or older then 2 to 3 times a day, well that's how many times my dog usually has to go out, but if your concerned about this, then maybe you shouldn't have a dog if your easily annoyed or don't have time for it. my dog lets me know when she has to go out by whining or going to the door, shes really good about that!!!!

    • well, if you have to go to the bathroom then your dog prolly has to go many times as possible if you take it out too little it could ddevelope a urinary tract infection or something else along those lines and then you'll have to spend money at the vet

    • You should take him out at least three times a day. Most dogs let you know that they need to go out by sitting, pacing or scratching at the door. Other times you can tell because they seem very anxious because they can not hold it very much longer. Once you become in tune with your dog you will know.

    • it depends on the dog.......size, age, ect. my husky is 2 1/2 years and has held it for 12 or more hours.smaller breed cant hold it that long. younger dogs (puppies) can usually hold it the amount of hours they are in age (months), but shouldnt be ask to hold it that long. you would know they had to go b/c they would start sniffing around areas were ppl dont usually go, corners and such.small dogs and young puppies it might be easier to pepertrain........put them them in a ex-pen covered with paper, they WILL learn to only go on the paper.also, get a crate......99% of dogs/puppies wont use the potty were they eat/sleep/play.

    • At lest 4 times a day when it's an adult and many more if it's a puppy. When it's a puppy generally you should take it out 20-30 Min's after eating, drinking, playing or napping. As it gets older it will give you clues, pacing, going to the door, getting it's leash, whining or just plain trying to get your attention. If you don't take your dog out enough you will have to deal with accidents. Accidents are not the dogs fault, they can't tell you they have to go, you have to learn to interpret their signs.

    • Depends on the age of the dog. Puppies under 12 weeks can't control the muscle that tells them to hold it. With smaller dogs, it may take a little longer. I would say a dog needs to go out at LEAST three times a day. How many times a day do you need to go to the bathroom?

    • around five times first thing in morning mid day dinner time at bedtime and usually will atleast ask once to go out sometime during the day by going to the door

    • Well if you live i a city like acron or clevland than i think you will have to take im out on a leash 3 or 4 times a day. If you live in a small town like me than you wont have to let him out and if he is potty trained he will let you know when he has to go.

    • Three times a day is the best but if you can't and the dog is trained, then twice is o.k. The least amount of times is twice. When the dog is in a new situation, like a new family because you are going away and living him behind at somone elses house or you just acquired him, you must take him out more often than twice. They tend to go to the toilet more often in unfamiliar places. They are funny animals. They need to claim their are or surroundings before they get accustomed to only two outings a day.