How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house?

I have a male cat that is about 10-11 months old who uses the litter box but also sometimes recently pisses in the house in odd places. How can I stop it? He is fixed and I have two litter boxes in the house. I only have one other cat, a female about a…

    How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house?

    I have a male cat that is about 10-11 months old who uses the litter box but also sometimes recently pisses in the house in odd places. How can I stop it? He is fixed and I have two litter boxes in the house. I only have one other cat, a female about a…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house?...

    • How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house?

      How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a male cat that is about 10-11 months old who uses the litter box but also sometimes recently pisses in the house in odd places. How can I stop it? He is fixed and I have two litter boxes in the house. I only have one other cat, a female about a year older than him.

      How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house?

      How do you stop a cat from pissing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • Perhaps he is stressed or upset. They do that when that happens. When that is going on you have to find the problem and try and fix it so your cat will calm down.

    • he may be trying to mark his territory.Cats who are establishing territory by urinating tend to mark vertical surfaces. They stand with their legs straight, tail stiff and vertical and back up to the target. Using pheromone spray can sometimes curb this behavior. Inappropriate elimination of urine or feces is usually a result of medical issues. You'll see your cat avoiding the litter box, and squatting to eliminate on horizontal surfaces (floors, carpets, quiet corners, or even the dog's food dish!). Spraying is a common component of cat behavior during the mating season with males and females "communicating" their availability via their chemical markers. A male cat sprays when he becomes excited by the presence of a female cat who is in heat. The spraying marks the area as his domain and discourages other males from intruding.

    • matured male cat do that cause it's marking his territory and right to mate.u can't stop's his instinct to do so..unless u cut his balls off(ask veterinarian to do so :P)

    • put citrus fruit in the areas where he is spraying, cats don't like the smell and this really does deter themit may sound odd - but it really does work!!